I will never understand why people curse AR. It is not as if he went toTed Thompsonand MM and told them to get rid for Brett. Those problems were not his doing and they were out of his control.
"warhawk" wrote:
Exactly. You can rationalize the Favre fan's behavior all you want and if they are bitter about what happened fine but ARod? What did he do?
What really amazes me is Brett put's his dirty laundry out there and makes this a public spectacle under the guise he is this "honest and emotional man that wears his feelings on his sleeve."
The facts are he leveraged his legacy and used the national media as his platform purposely trying to squeeze the Packers Organizations balls and the residue left behind is Arod get's ***k yous thrown at HIM?
No wonder these people have been impossible to talk to.
For those that jumped ship well I hope they like watching golf because in about 20 weeks the only time you'll see your man will more than likely be on ESPNClassic.
"wpr08" wrote: