Margin for error with Hundley was ZERO tonight. 57 yard FG attempt, a HUGE gaffe, that wasn't able to be afforded.
Offense in closing seconds was offensive. You have to know the Steelers are going to move it right back on just have to move it, there. Have to.
We got a huge gift on the Cobb TD with the blown coverage. Williams ran his arse off. MM was good on setting up the Davante TD, but you need to CONSTANTLY be coming up with those kinds of things not just once in a blue moon. Where was some play creativity on the back to back 3 and outs that took less than a minute off the clock or during the final fateful "drive"? It's just not there.
No designed runs for Hundley? I sure would've like to see some of those especially there at the end when we needed a first down to get it to OT.
Played safe at end of 1st half...cost potential points. Played safe end of game...gave up game winning points. LOSER mentality. Always good but not good enough.
I expected a 50-10 type game so I was overly impressed by this one. I thought maybe it would be better than the Washington MNF game from the 80's, but it turned into the game at New England with Flynn. Sucks.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."