I would direct you to a topic I posted that isn't getting any action, not surprisingly.
Why is it everytime Bob writes an article that isn't flattering you dogmatically claim it's 100% false? You have as much proof that I do that it's true, that it's false. Yet, you go off half cocked...every single time, hollering it's all a lie? What are you trying to defend? It isn't the truth you care so much about, so what is it?
You read my topic and answer why every single time Bob posts something you deem unflattering it's always. LIES! 100% FALSE. FABRICATION, etc. That is your pattern. Believe the fluff and decry the veggies. Eat your vegetables...they're good for you. Everyone likes the guy serving pie...but you need to eat your veggies or you're going to be one unhealthy individual. Profound. I hope it resonates.
EDIT: Scholarship? You predicate your argument on "a friend would never..." Oh, your issue is with the the word, not what Bob reported? We've all had friends and been friends with someone who has said bad things about their "friend". I've found out hurtful things said by friends and I've said a share of my own. You can argue in your world, I guess, that a true friend would never do such a thing as that's what a friend denotes, someone who would never say anything bad.
Next we have to define what is negative or bad...Is it bad or negative to tell someone you were concerned about your friend who seemed to be suffering dementia, was foggy, couldn't focus, etc? What is so horrible about that. When I was very sick, I had people talking about me all over the place. I was hot news...Oh, my...he has "x" wrong with him. Oh, no. That is caring and concern not negative. You have weird perceptions of what is considered bad form between friends. I expect my friends to tell me the truth..and some do...some don't. I appreciate the ones who will tell me unpopular things. I also appreciate the ones with hearts of gold who would never say anything bad about me and would do anything for me. Life isn't perfect nor are me you or anyone else. We all talk out of school from time to time and it's a bad quality within us all. Shoot, Kevin doesn't even want us talking about health. I see no issue whatsoever...Am I mean and him not? No. Just different perspectives. Ultimately, your sensibilities were offended, not the truth. However, you framed it as lies when it isn't lies but "could" be considered bad form.
Can you answer me now? What is it you're trying to protect? You seem to have a heavier dose of organizational love than most. You will rip Aaron Rodgers but you've time and time and time again defended 1265 like it's your child. Why? What is your connection there? Will you answer? I don't think so but it's clear you either have some legit connection or you have some very weird quirk where you feel overly protective of the mother ship and I'd just like to know...why?
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."