With AR getting nearer to the end of his career, I'm feeling more and more that Ted and MM better do something big NOW, while they have a chance to win another SB or 2.
I have a feeling that in the not so distant future that it will be like what I remember in the 1970's and 80's. And I'm getting nearer to the end of my life, and I'd like to enjoy another GREAT season or two.
I still remember (I think it was 1993) when we FINALLY got back to the playoffs and beat the Lions in Detroit. At that time, that was enough to MORE then satisfy me. Just to see MY team back in the playoffs.
Now of course, expectations are much higher. Just getting there doesn't do it anymore.
I love "my" Green Bay Packers. Whether they win or lose, I will cheer for them till the day I die.
When I was a kid, I got teased for being a Packer fan. Yet I remained loyal.
The old saying goes, "You don't love them because they are good, you love them because they are YOURS." That described me perfectly.