The officiating has gotten out of control. These guys are egocentric, but often egocentrics are good at their job. These guys just suck!
One example to show how truly stupid these guys are was on Rodgers' almost Intentional grounding call. Rodgers was in the grasp and getting thrown to ground as he was throwing the ball. IG is impossible in this situation and all those dopes got together and couldn't figure it out. How could ALL of them miss this? Now given they didn't know that part of the rule, they decide there was a receiver in the area, which was even more stupid. If Janis was in the area, I cant suck my own pecker. In their mind AR got that call because he's AR at home.
In the Pitts game today, Vick runs 9 yards on 2nd and 10, it's third and 1 and Hochuli pulls Vick from the game. Vick got a knee to the head when he was on the ground, so if Hochuli saw the knee to the head, where' the flag? Convicted dog fighters don't get that call I guess.
And I believe Newton that Hochuli said he wasn't old enough to get the call.
These arrogant Fu^&s make calls by vetting the circumstances through irrelevant stupid bullshIt stuff. Like who's the home team, whether the veteran deserves the call, or a jerk gets flagged or doesn't get a call. And i think alot of close calls are made vetting concerns for viewership, they try to keep the games closer, like that 2nd AR INT last week. How could they review the clear visual evidence and not overturn that call, unless it was to keep Rams in the game.
Now a team has 2 choices:
take the musccy approach-which is not an invalid approach. Where you say quit being a Carroll-Harbaugh jumping around whining childish bitch and tell your guys to control the things the can control and whup the guy in front of you.
Or fight back. I think the league and officials should know there's a PR consequence for their inept behavior. I think that strategy will assist the Refs in doing their job better; I think the refs will become afraid to screw up a call of a team that will hurt them and you will get more calls in your favor.
BTW, a rules expert coach could have avoided AR getting an IG call, when he was saved only by refs being their jerkish inept selves.