I vote.
I vote "none of the above" with regularity.
To me, it is the politicos who have to show to me they are worthy of office. If they don't, I write "none of the above" on the ballot.
There are far too many elected offices in this country that get filled because people choose the "lesser of two evils" approach. Because an empty office for a term (or the constitutional "crises" such would necessitate) is better than too many of the people Americans have elected that way.
Voting "no" isn't an avoidance of a citizen's responsibility. It's a commitment to the same. Without "no" as a ballot option, we make a mockery of the whole "voluntary consent of the governed" idea.
Originally Posted by: Wade
I disagree with you on this one, always have, heard you the first time, etc.
I think you are wrong here, Wade. I don't call you wrong, lightly. I totally get the philosophical thing you have going, but the pragmatical thing is our reality, and if in the minority of whack-bird vs. some reasonableness, you gotta go some reasonableness.
[i]'m also fully aware that if the last 6 years is not going to convince you of that, I'm certainly not going to.
I guess we just let them melt this country down completely, as philosophically all our alternatives were too flawed, and we don't give a damn about the opponents alternatives... let them run the show and we can sit on the top of the smoking heap and say, "We told you so."
I submit your mockery concern has the priority just below whale shit in comparison, but that is a personal aside and I don't want to offend your sensibilities. I apologize in advance of you reading this, and if I can send you some chocolate chip cookies and perhaps some warm hot chocolate to ease the pain of any inadvertent criticism, I will do so. This offer stands for all my fellow posters, as I want to be all kumbaya for all of you , all of the time, especially when not discussing the Packers.
I just friggin' promised Zero I would calm down and you bring up the ONE thing I find you to be a hypocrite upon. I can't win in here, friggin' sue me. I'll still send the cookies and hot chocolate. 😆