Your belittling of ramifications and perceptions is quite remarkable and blanket. You don't know that.
And, do not throw the McGinn stuff at me. Those are his words, not mine. I think the league credit line he took is stupid.
Let's say, hypothetically, everything is right in Colt Lyerla's world. We are undefeated through ten games. He's making a name for himself around the NFL and everyone is taking notice. Our team is doing well, riding the wave. All of a sudden he goes out to celebrate, has too much to drink and crashes into another car killing a family. You don't think the Packers might face more scrutiny in a scenario like this than if it were another player who had done this?
You don't see risk, not only to said family, but, to a far lesser extent, how something as stupid as that might affect the team? Think that winning streak continues?
No risk? Zero ramifications? Hardly. And, I feel both the Little and Stallworth incidents had adverse effects on their teams. Did the Lofton incident not touch the Packers? Really? Because I sure do remember it, uh, sucking for GB.
How about Walden? How did that work out for us? Were we not undefeated? The next week we squeaked by the Giants, handled the hapless Raiders, then were shocked by a KC team who had nothing to play for. We lost focus. And, that media buzz on Walden was whirring...
Do I think this kind of stuff will happen? No. I'm hoping not anyway. I'm hoping for the best, just like all of us.
Originally Posted by: play2win