I want to say something about that. I believe Zimmerman is totally innocent. I also believe that he was in fact a bit of a cop wanna-be, as evidenced (to me) by him being armed.
We all know these types. He's a good man, very most likely, but a bit of a zealot. Let's finally have an honest discussion about that aspect, without all the hyperbole.
We could also include the character of Trayvon Martin. My step-son never got popped for anything beyond a marijuana charge, and he was using and dealing heroin, stealing, etc. He had wealth, too. His skin color was white, but he wore a hoodie and hung with his fellow thugs, mostly black, but some white. All of the police knew it, cat-and-mouse, but you just never know. I took him to his supplier several times when he needed it. Me. Dfosterf. The Nazi. Trayvon was PROBABLY not that level, but I DON'T KNOW THAT, and it would take extreme courage to try and report that... these kids have upped the ante in the drug usage department, and you might think they are all just smokin' a little weed, etc. You would be wrong. My son's tombstone attests to that.
Originally Posted by: dfosterf