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11 years ago


Originally Posted by: Formo 

You're a dumbass! BTW, I'll be in Maple Grove Saturday night and part of Sunday. You can take me out for breakfast. PM me your info.
11 years ago


Originally Posted by: Formo 

I won't be in Maple Grove, but you're still a dumbass.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
If you're not free, what's the point of being safe?

I'd rather be dead than a serf.

(Besides, another man can only take *this* life away from me. He can't take away the one that matters. [grin1] )
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
11 years ago

If you're not free, what's the point of being safe?

I'd rather be dead than a serf.

(Besides, another man can only take *this* life away from me. He can't take away the one that matters. [grin1] )

Originally Posted by: Wade 

You already are a serf.

I agree with the other life comment though. I think most people forget about that one.
11 years ago

If you're not free, what's the point of being safe?

I'd rather be dead than a serf.

(Besides, another man can only take *this* life away from me. He can't take away the one that matters. [grin1] )

Originally Posted by: Wade 

If you're DEAD, what's the point of being safe? I'm surprised at you, Wade, saying you'd rather be dead than anything. Either it's hyperbole or else it's just sad.

Anyway, as I think somebody in here said, BOTH security and freedom are matters of degree - you can't be 100% of either. That much is indisputable. It's all a matter of degree, and where to draw the line - how much it's possible to have of each/which is more important - that's where the argument comes in.

Most of the freedom people talk about giving up, however, is theoretical/not exercised anyway or so minor as to be irrelevant in comparison to the consequences of sacrificing security and safety.

This is just common sense normalcy, people - NOT even a close call.

And TRUE about your last line. However, if the terrorist enemy had its way, future generations might not even have THAT - EITHER by letting them win and blot out our Judeo-Christian culture - and with it knowledge of that "next life" and the means to achieve it OR just by killing enough of us that most of the future generation wouldn't even exist. Yeah, that's pretty extreme and alarmist, but then so is getting nuked or hit by a massive enough chem- or bio- attack.
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
11 years ago

I won't be in Maple Grove, but you're still a dumbass.

Originally Posted by: texaspackerbacker 

Ok, this made me lol.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
11 years ago

You're a dumbass! BTW, I'll be in Maple Grove Saturday night and part of Sunday. You can take me out for breakfast. PM me your info.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Way to give me notice. I was in Hell (aka Wisconsin) this weekend at my wife's family reunion in Beaver Dam. You have the absolutely WORST timing.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
11 years ago

We are all animals. Look at the Warsaw ghetto, the things people did to survive in places like Auschwitz and the other camps.

Please. You don't know how you would react if your freedoms were taken from you.

History indicates most would try and just survive under the circumstances presented to them.

Go ahead and say you would die before giving up your freedoms- it's not a bad thing to say- but I'm not feelin' it, cursed with having run with the animals.

Most cave like an old tent in a tornado if it actually came down to their own existence, given those choices.

We go to war over this. Sometimes the REMFS don't know it, but the folks on the ground in the places you sent us to...


They made the choice to live vs. freedom long before I got there, otherwise, by the time I got there, they would already be dead.
11 years ago

Please. You don't know how you would react if your freedoms were taken from you.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

This line reminds me of people who believe everything of note is bled with conspiracy.

Every now and then I watch documentaries of other countries and have the girls watch it with me. They have the same questions as they do when watching movies that take place in other countries. "That's not real, right daddy?" They are surprised how little people can do and they were visibly disturbed watching a documentary on North Korea.

Afterwards I usually chime in with something similar to "Glad to be an American, huh?". Every time, it's a sharp nod indicating yes. And then I tell them that just because we have it better than most, doesn't mean we have to be okay with getting screwed over.

I prefer more freedom than safety. If we educate properly, I think we will be more safe than the government sanctions/rules/whatever could make us.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
11 years ago
Okay, okay, okay....

I believe that if given a choice between being a serf and being dead, I'd choose death. But unless/until confronted with the actual choice, I can't know for sure what I'd choose.


p.s. Was the following hyperbole or just sad?

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
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    Fan Shout
    beast (1h) : I was rooting for the Bears to win and hurt their draft pick status
    Zero2Cool (1h) : Forgot there was even a game last night haha
    TheKanataThrilla (1h) : That was terrible.
    TheKanataThrilla (1h) : Watching that game in its entirety yesterday is proof positive that I am a football addict.
    beast (2h) : And horrible time management multiple times... and not being able to score more than 3 points on a team with talent
    beast (2h) : Realizing the Bears didn't fix it from the previous week and do the same thing, getting the game to overtime
    beast (2h) : They probably are not tanking, but they've absolutely mismanagement some things, such as Vikings seeing the Packers blocked FG and realizing
    Zero2Cool (3h) : Crazy of Bears to have that mindset that is
    Zero2Cool (3h) : Hail Mary stop away from 5 - 2. Not sure how that flips to tanking. Crazy mindset if true
    beast (3h) : I've quietly questioned if Bears are tanking on purpose... they suddenly got a lot worse with some simple concepts like 101 clock management
    wpr (6h) : Watching bares fans melt down over how putrid their team is, so enjoyable. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
    Mucky Tundra (13h) : The Seattle Seahawks defeat the Chicago Bears 6-3. Jason Myers had 6 RBIs for Seattle while Cairo Santos had 3 RBI for Chicago
    beast (14h) : Not nessarily, he might of been injured either way. He's playing about 50% of the games the last 4 years
    Zero2Cool (20h) : If they'd been more patient with him, he'd be back already. Putting him out there vs Bears caused him to tweak it and here we are.
    packerfanoutwest (20h) : well this is his last season with the PAck, book it
    beast (21h) : Sounds like no Alexander (again), I'm wondering if his time with the Packers is done
    Zero2Cool (26-Dec) : Could ban beast and I still don't think anyone catches him.
    Mucky Tundra (26-Dec) : Houston getting dog walked by Baltimore
    packerfanoutwest (25-Dec) : Feliz Navidad!
    Zero2Cool (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas!
    beast (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
    beast (24-Dec) : Sounds like no serious injuries from the Saints game and Jacobs and Watson should play in the Vikings game
    packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : both games Watson missed, Packers won
    Martha Careful (24-Dec) : I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!
    Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Oh I know about Jacobs, I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to mimic Zero lol
    buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : Jacobs was just sat down, Watson re-injured that knee that kept him out 1 game earlier
    buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : I needed .14 that's. .14 points for the whole 4th quarter to win and go to the SB. Lol
    Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Jacobs gonna be OK???
    Zero2Cool (24-Dec) : Watson gonna be OK???
    packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : Inactives tonight for the Pack: Alexander- knee Bullard - ankle Williams - quad Walker -ankle Monk Heath
    packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : No Jaire, but hopefully the front 7 destroys the line of scrimmage & forces Rattler into a few passes to McKinney.
    packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : minny could be #1 seed and the Lions #5 seed
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : We'd have same Division and Conference records. Strength of schedule we edge them
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I just checked. What tie breaker?
    bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes its possible but unlikely. If we do get the 5th, we face the NFCS winner
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : Ahh, ok.
    bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes due to tie breaker
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I mean, unlikely, yes, but mathematically, 5th is possible by what I'm reading.
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : If Vikings lose out, Packers win out, Packers get 5th, right?
    bboystyle (23-Dec) : Minny isnt going to lose out so 5th seed is out of the equation. We are playing for the 6th or 7th seed which makes no difference
    Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, the ad revenue goes to the broadcast company but they gotta pay to air the game on their channel/network
    beast (23-Dec) : If we win tonight the game is still relative in terms of 5th, 6th or 7th seed... win and it's 5th or 6th, lose and it's 6th or 7th
    beast (23-Dec) : Mucky, I thought the ad revenue went to the broadcasting companies or the NFL, at least not directly
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I think the revenue share is moot, isn't it? That's the CBA an Salary Cap handling that.
    bboystyle (23-Dec) : i mean game becomes irrelevant if we win tonight. Just a game where we are trying to play spoilers to Vikings chance at the #1 seed
    Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, I would guess ad revenue from more eyes watching tv
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I would think it would hurt the home team because people would have to cancel last minute maybe? i dunno
    beast (23-Dec) : I agree that it's BS for fans planning on going to the game. But how does it bring in more money? I'm guessing indirectly?
    packerfanoutwest (23-Dec) : bs on flexing the game....they do it for the $$league$$, not the hometown fans
    Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I see what you did there Mucky
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