.....dumbest football I have ever seen played.
"digsthepack" wrote:
Players and/or coaches.. I agree.. any team that repeatedly makes the same mistakes over and over reeks of a disconnect between players and coaches..
One really has to wonder how the players really viewed this past offseason.. is there lingering effects in their minds.
No one can question how this team has rallied around Rodgers, so that isn't the point I am wondering.
I truly wonder how much disconnect there is between the coaching staff and players on this team.
MM has had a busy offseason, marriage, baby and more drama then all the soaps on the daytime can provide..
Add to it... Ted and MM are pretty locked down on these assistant coaches.. they have one interview a week and that is PR monitored.. speaks of a certain lack of trust... I wonder if that carries over into their coaching jobs as well.
I remember the mid 90's.. Fritz was very open and candid each week.. free to speak his mind, as well as other assistants.. not an overbearing organization that we are today..
We had a swagger about us.. today it is secretive.. like they are hiding things.. makes one wonder.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"