I thought his tactics sucked. Med student?
He shot in the air, released a couple (cs equivalent?) cannisters, and THEN started shooting? (CS is tear gas)
Lucky he didn't actually know what the hell he was doing, or far more would have died, imo.
I'm sorry for the tragedy, but I'm just sayin'-- with the situation as he had it, he could have caused far more devastation than he actually did. He really could have. He might not know that, I'm just tellin' ya,
For starters, I got even money that many are alive because his gas-mask steamed up on him and he had no idea where he was firing at. They do that when you get hyper, bet he didn't know it.
The medical profession is in serious trouble if that is what they think they can produce for our consumption. even acknowledging he apparently quit. He had no scientific mind, notwithstanding his ability to confound authorities with a couple of coke bottles full of liquid and some monofilament strewn-about as of this writing. If something blows up, I'll adjust my philosophy on this matter. [palm]