  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
12 years ago

Whoa. Janus. You are one educated mo-fo. That's some of that mythology shit I see on trivia shows, yes? I think Janus had the hots for Juno, or somesuchshit. My vague recollection is that she (Juno) looked good in marble. Deep, dude. I was asleep when this was taught.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

Fooled you again! [grin1]

Actually, my entire knowledge of classical mythology (what little I have) comes filtered through literary allusions made in other books, Janus, the man of two faces, just happens to be one that has come up multiple times.

That and Classic Comic Books. Remember those? I must have done half a dozen book reports using Classic Comic Books. [grin1]

He also played a role in The Tourist, which starred Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie looking very hot in red lipstick and tailored gowns that played to her, ahem, strengths.

Juno -- wasn't that an Anne Hathaway movie?

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
12 years ago
I guess Scott Walker is to blame for Wisconsin's jobs issues. The mayor of Milwaukee is going to fix it. He has shovel-ready jobs available to all. Good union jobs, too.

You will be good to go. Whew, get rid of that crazy dude that tried to "fix" the public unions. We got plenty of money, it was all a big fat republican lie.

Let's get back to leading the nation, Wisconsin!

12 years ago
The bottom line Scott Walker is a corrupt politician who forces his agenda on the citizens of Wisconsin. He is set on cutting education and programs for the middle class and elderly, while raising college tuition, and giving huge tax breaks to large corporations. He has covered up emails that show what his true intentions are, while hiding behind a disguise of what he feels is best for Wisconsin.
So if you meet me Have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I'll lay your soul to waste
12 years ago
Yes, this is what is true. I was just watching MSNBC, and Al Sharpton said much the same things. This is why the recall election is happening.

Fucking fools. Al Sharpton would make an EXCELLENT governor of your state. He reflects your values and perceptions.

I'd vote for Cheesey, but I don't live there. I have my own set of problems, including having to pay for a bankrupt city that thinks like you people, even thouigh I don't even fucking live there, thanks to corrupt morons in my gov't that backed their bonds.
Your state is going to go bankrupt if you attempt to maintain the status quo amongst the governemt unions. You know this, and don't care, or don't know this, still don't care, or - you are still playing silly mind games with yourself as regards your generalized philosophy and are fucking clueless and/or in denial on the math part.
12 years ago

The bottom line Scott Walker is a corrupt politician who forces his agenda on the citizens of Wisconsin. He is set on cutting education and programs for the middle class and elderly, while raising college tuition, and giving huge tax breaks to large corporations. He has covered up emails that show what his true intentions are, while hiding behind a disguise of what he feels is best for Wisconsin.

Originally Posted by: dhpackr 

You are hitting on a good point. Think about this country, 20 years ago we were among the top 5 in education in the world and now we are down to around 15th. I hated this don't leave a kid behind thing Hillary starter because it makes for dumb kids.

The main point is keep the youth uneducated and they will be easy to control. Welcome to the next country they will have a dictator instead of a president.

Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
12 years ago

Yes, this is what is true. I was just watching MSNBC, and Al Sharpton said much the same things. This is why the recall election is happening.

Fucking fools. Al Sharpton would make an EXCELLENT governor of your state. He reflects your values and perceptions.

I'd vote for Cheesey, but I don't live there. I have my own set of problems, including having to pay for a bankrupt city that thinks like you people, even thouigh I don't even fucking live there, thanks to corrupt morons in my gov't that backed their bonds.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

It is a known fact what Walker's agenda is. Tom Barret will make a great governor. He actually sacrificed his own well-being to stop a violent crime.

What do you mean by Sharpton reflecting our own values and perceptions?

Do these values include standing up for women's rights, equal pay protections and access to quality education and health care for all Wisconsinites and their families?
So if you meet me Have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I'll lay your soul to waste
12 years ago
whatever. I thought you'd want Favre for governor. I'm sure you're paying heavy for all these wonderful aspiratioms. I bet you send in extra to the government to do so, as you are so inspired.
12 years ago

whatever. I thought you'd want Favre for governor. I'm sure you're paying heavy for all these wonderful aspirations. I bet you send in extra to the government to do so.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

Maybe I will someday...vote for #4 to be Governor...

As far as my aspirations, and how to pay for them. Like I posted in another thread. Follow Ronald Reagan's tactics.

get elected, lie about raising taxes, then raise taxes and blame the other party.
So if you meet me Have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I'll lay your soul to waste
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
12 years ago

It is a known fact what Walker's agenda is. Tom Barret will make a great governor. He actually sacrificed his own well-being to stop a violent crime.

What do you mean by Sharpton reflecting our own values and perceptions?

Do these values include standing up for women's rights, equal pay protections and access to quality education and health care for all Wisconsinites and their families?

Originally Posted by: dhpackr 

I'm curious. Suppose you are right, that his agenda is clear.

Was it not clear in the original election? And if it was clear, then what's the justification with throwing out the idea of "you stick with the corrupt/incompetent/idiotic person for his constitutional term of office and if you don't like what he does, it's your job to get enough votes next time around to replace him?

And even if it wasn't clear ...

As an anarchist, I have little problem with any rule that keeps politicians susceptible to being thrown out. So I don't object to a recall option per se. But anarchists are few and far between in Wisconsin as they are everywhere. As an outsider (who doesn't know enough about the previous campaign to know what Walker said/was elected for), I see an awful lot of the "recall" arguments being the same sort of arguments that are made in every election: "He did X and we need a governor who will do Y," or "He promised to do X, and he didn't," and "His actions/plans harm this group" or "His actions/plans help this other group." In short, it's officially named a "recall" election, but it's exactly the same as every other election.

I would love to have seen a recall election for any of the last three US Presidents midterm. But short of redoing the Constitution, it seems to me that a "recall" should be something more than the usual campaign type arguments.

The reason people get elected is because some of the people voting want the elected officials help in coercing other people to do things they don't want to do. Anti-union people get elected because more people want the politicians to force unions to go away than want them not to do so. Pro-union people get elected because more people want the politicians to force non-union people to have to deal with union power. "Democratic processes" legitimate the coercion of minorities (the losing side) by the victorious majority. Majority rule is, by definition, coercion of minorities.

Bitch about that coercion all you wish. Bitch about the bastards all you can. Use all the internal legislative and executive and judical rules you can to frustrate it. But, right or wrong, the national and state constitutions of this country have usually chosen not to operate under "votes of no confidence" and other "elections can happen anytime" institutions of a Parliamentary system.

To be sure, the Wisconsin constitution does explicitly call for a recall-type re-election. And my understanding is that those calling for a recall met those constitutional requirements. The "alter or abolish" clause of the Declaration of Independence makes this clear, to me, anyway.

However, that Declaration also has that cause about not abolishing governments for "light and transient causes." To my mind, the extraordinary cases that allow for trumping the primary provisions regarding elections of representatives, the cases that give rise to extraordinary remedies like impeachment and recall or, arguably, even judicial review of the sort first used in Marbury v. Madison, have to be "bigger".

IMO, a recall should be reserved for the Blagojeviches, for the people found to have been elected by the cemetery vote, for those who have committed treason, for judges who ignore pre-existing law on a whim, and the like.

Whatever happens in this particular election, IMO this whole Walker process is just one more illustration of how little care we have given to the principles of that Declaration in our incredible co-dependence on know-nothing Populism and know-it-all-Progressivism.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
12 years ago

It is a known fact what Walker's agenda is. Tom Barret will make a great governor. He actually sacrificed his own well-being to stop a violent crime.

Originally Posted by: dhpackr 

I wish I were master of space and time and could define my conclusion drawn from incomplete information and flawed human perception as a fact.
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