So where do you stand Porforis?
Originally Posted by: DakotaT
I'm not going to get into an extensive debate over this lest I give myself an ulcer but since you asked so nicely - I think Walker took about one step too far to the right. Overall, compared to the pool of politicians we have to compare him to and for him to compete with (Barrett, Faulk), he is not more idealistic to a fault than the next guy. Nor has he taken advantage of his power and the power of his allies in the legislature to ram through somewhat questionable but not completely batshit legislation any more than any other executive would. I think the recall effort itself is ridiculous, that the only situations where any politician should be recalled is if he is convicted of a crime/accused of a crime in a situation where the evidence is somewhat overwhelming.
To explain that stance more - If the president could be recalled, there would be a recall vote nearly every election going back to Jimmy Carter, possibly earlier. It takes a very long time for the full effect of economic policy changes to be realized, to say that someone needs to leave office because you believes he is attacking workers' rights isn't enough in my mind, unless you're proposing that every member of congress and the president should be subject to recall as well - I'm sure you could find a significant portion of America to believe similar accusations about just about quite a few of them.
Things obviously aren't the same at the state level as at the federal level and recalling the president would be a much larger deal than recalling a governor. I still think it's petty and shortsighted and a significant portion of the more rabid anti-Walker campaign would cry bloody murder if conservatives tried to recall Obama (if that were possible). That just rubs me the wrong way.
As far as the Walker-Koch thing goes - Based on what we DO know, based on the prank call alone, that means absolutely nothing. If an important client of yours starts joking around or making somewhat questionable comments with you, you don't tell him that you think he's being a bit extreme and should cool his jets. You don't need to fully play along but just because Walker doesn't flip his shit on the Koch impersonator doesn't mean that Walker's rotten to the core.