12 years ago
No, as I pointed out in the chat room yesterday, this has nothing to do with the location of the ball. The "going to the ground" rule applies anywhere on the field, whether it's at the goal line or between the 20s. The reason why the officials got that call right was that Johnson was in no way "going to the ground" when he caught the ball. Therefore, he established possession the moment his second foot hit the ground. The fact the lost or did not lose the ball out of bounds is therefore irrelevant. It's only when he is going to the ground at the moment of catching the ball that the receiver must maintain possession all the way through the ground. Johnson jumped up to catch the ball, but at no point was he falling -- he landed firmly on his two feet and then went out of bounds.
12 years ago

Yes, the defense tackled, but not before 10 or 15 yards. They were playing so soft and deep that almost every forward pass was a guaranteed gain. The purpose of tackling is to stop forward progress, preferably before the first down marker. These guys didn't think it was necessary to touch their man until he had gained the first down.

Tramon Williams looked simply abysmal. He was repeatedly caught flat footed and forced to play catchup, and his tackling, such as it was, involved the bare minimum amount of required contact. He played exactly as if he was trying to avoid injury, which made him virtually ineffective. At least his uniform ended up stained all over, which is more than could be said for some of our other defenders.

Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel 

Excellent observation. I noticed this while re-watching one of CJ's TDs while the Lions were inside the 12. Simple play-call on šŸ˜Ø ILBs and OLB in Clay's spot dropping into zone, with single-man on the outside. Morgan Burnett is close to halfway back in the endzone. OLB drops into zone, Megatron releases from the slot and finds the big gap between the OLB and Burnett, catches and goes in for easy TD.

Similarly, often times Tramon was in off-man, which is very unusual given his strengths and the fact that traditionally Capers' scheme calls for press-man on the outside.

Someone mentioned that these deep / off coverages were the result of our inadequate pass rush most of this season. You can't press when there is a decent chance the receiver will have time to recover and run past you. You also can't play too aggressively with Safties when there is a good chance the QB will have good time to throw to WRs who run deeper routes.

In short, we may be beginning to see the effects of our abysmal pass-rush. It was a very interesting comment, and I was particularly surprised at how much off-man and how deep our safeties were playing yesterday. Granted the Lions were going to be pass happy, but it was surprising to see Capers play in a "take what you want, but you're not getting behind our DBs" manner. I guess it's better to keep long plays in front of you with a chance to stop them than let them happen behind you with TDs almost an inevitable result.
The NFL: Where Greg Jennings Happens.
  • wpr
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12 years ago

I heard from a lot of Lions fans that the officiating was biased, and that the refs protected and helped the Pack all the way through the season. What's your opinion?

Originally Posted by: gergobacsi 

I just chuckle and ignore it. In every game you will see a play or two that the refs miss. In the past the calls/breaks seemed to always go against GB. There is no way there can be some kind of plot to bolster GB and help them win. If there was someone who leak it to the press.

12 years ago

No, as I pointed out in the chat room yesterday, this has nothing to do with the location of the ball. The "going to the ground" rule applies anywhere on the field, whether it's at the goal line or between the 20s. The reason why the officials got that call right was that Johnson was in no way "going to the ground" when he caught the ball. Therefore, he established possession the moment his second foot hit the ground. The fact the lost or did not lose the ball out of bounds is therefore irrelevant. It's only when he is going to the ground at the moment of catching the ball that the receiver must maintain possession all the way through the ground. Johnson jumped up to catch the ball, but at no point was he falling -- he landed firmly on his two feet and then went out of bounds.

Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel 

I have seen many plays where the WR made the catch, both feet in, took 2 steps out of bound and hit the ground causing an incompletion. I have even seen 2 feet down before the goal line, take a step into the endzone then go to the ground losing the completion.

The rule is inconsistent. Two feet down is not enough. They have to make a football move. In the case where they go to the ground, there seems to be an inconsistency at which point the ground can still cause an incompletion. It the case of this game they didn't even have to make that football move. In some they take 2 steps after establishing possession and can still have it be incomplete.

In the previous game, Finley was on one knee when the DB hit him. Then he went to the ground after already being down by contact. He still lost the completion. I don't see any difference between that and Johnson's catch. Both were reviewed.

I disagree with the call on Finley, and Johnson's TD last year. I do agree with the one on Johnson this game. But I do think it is inconsistent with what the league has been saying.

The other call was good and should not have been overturned. The receiver did go to the ground before the football move and the ground jarred it lose.
I want to go out like my Grandpa did. Peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.
12 years ago

Excellent observation. I noticed this while re-watching one of CJ's TDs while the Lions were inside the 12. Simple play-call on šŸ˜Ø ILBs and OLB in Clay's spot dropping into zone, with single-man on the outside. Morgan Burnett is close to halfway back in the endzone. OLB drops into zone, Megatron releases from the slot and finds the big gap between the OLB and Burnett, catches and goes in for easy TD.

Similarly, often times Tramon was in off-man, which is very unusual given his strengths and the fact that traditionally Capers' scheme calls for press-man on the outside.

Someone mentioned that these deep / off coverages were the result of our inadequate pass rush most of this season. You can't press when there is a decent chance the receiver will have time to recover and run past you. You also can't play too aggressively with Safties when there is a good chance the QB will have good time to throw to WRs who run deeper routes.

In short, we may be beginning to see the effects of our abysmal pass-rush. It was a very interesting comment, and I was particularly surprised at how much off-man and how deep our safeties were playing yesterday. Granted the Lions were going to be pass happy, but it was surprising to see Capers play in a "take what you want, but you're not getting behind our DBs" manner. I guess it's better to keep long plays in front of you with a chance to stop them than let them happen behind you with TDs almost an inevitable result.

Originally Posted by: all_about_da_packers 

Do you think Capers might be holding some stuff back for the playoffs? Especially in such a meaningless game?
ā€œWinning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a whileā€¦you do them right all the time.ā€
12 years ago

Matt Flynn and Aaron Rodgers spent about an hour together last night going over plays, especially the no-huddle. Rodgers also assisted from the sidelines by calling no-huddle plays for Flynn and the Packers, said Flynn.

I really admire this about Aaron Rodgers. I read this and think, true team player.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

1) When you teach others you actually learn to organize the concepts and articulate them. You actually learn the material better yourself.

2) It kept Rodgers mentally focused and challenged.

3) It likely gave Aaron an appreciation of what the coaches see and communicate to him.
12 years ago

I have a problem with how they have been doing the going to the ground in the process of a catch rule lately.

The game before this one, Finley caught a ball with his knee on the ground. He was hit and knocked to the ground, where he lost the ball. My understanding is that he was down by contact before he hit the ground. They called it an incompletion. Which I believe is a wrong interpretation but at least consistent with the Johnson catch last year.

This week I saw 2 they ruled the other way.

The lions receiver caught the ball, got two feet down and before making a "football related move" was taken to the ground where the ball was jarred lose and the defender wrested the ball away. They called him down by contact when the contact with the ground obviously cause the ball to become dislodged and therefor a free ball. Since the ball itself didn't hit the ground.

The other was the Johnson catch on the sideline. Johnson got both feet down and stepped out of bounds going to the ground where he bobbled it. He was already out of bounds when he regained control of the ball and should have been called out.

I have watched many game where a WR gets both feet in, takes 2 steps out of bounds and then goes down losing control of the ball being called incomplete. Why the difference with Johnson? Why the difference in them middle of the field?

I am not complaining about the fact we got screwed on a call or that the officials blew it. I am complaining about the fact that the replay failed to be called consistently. The League backed up the failure on the Johnson call against the Bears last year. My guess is they will back up contradictory calls this time.

This is horrible inconsistency by the officiating. They need fix that rule.

Originally Posted by: Dexter_Sinister 

I've been saying it all year, these types of calls are horribly inconsistent and they seriously need to get it fixed. They need to focus on teaching this over the offseason to get these crews to call them consistently. I don't care which way they call it, as long as its consistent.
12 years ago

Two feet down is not enough. They have to make a football move.

Originally Posted by: Dexter_Sinister 

Is that actually in the rule though? I don't remember reading that in the rule. I think it's more of an informal guideline given to officials as a way to judge when possession has been secured. I think the reasoning goes that if the player has gotten both feet down and is subsequently able to make a football move, that is a good indication he has made solid possession, whereas if he loses it before making that move, he probably never secured it in the first place. There has been talk of the Competition Committee codifying the "football move" guideline, but I do not believe that it has been done to this point.
12 years ago

Is that actually in the rule though? I don't remember reading that in the rule. I think it's more of an informal guideline given to officials as a way to judge when possession has been secured. I think the reasoning goes that if the player has gotten both feet down and is subsequently able to make a football move, that is a good indication he has made solid possession, whereas if he loses it before making that move, he probably never secured it in the first place. There has been talk of the Competition Committee codifying the "football move" guideline, but I do not believe that it has been done to this point.

Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel 

I don't know if it is a rule. But I do know it is the official interpretation of the possession rule.

It is also the official interpretation of the going to the ground in the process of making a catch. They have done it many times. Catch, 2 feet in and even if you make a football move, like a step or taking a knee as in Finley's case. If you end up hitting the ground, even after 2 steps out of bounds, the ground can still cause an incompletion.

In both the Johnson catch and the one that was a pick but got overturned, they didn't follow the guidelines set by precedent.

According to the way they have been calling it, they blew the calls. If the Finly call was right, the Johnson call and the pick were blown. All were replayed. There is absolutely no excuse for a missed call on a replay.

Either the process of a catch ends when possession is established or it doesn't. The League has been saying that it doesn't for a couple years. Why did it change for this game? 

In this clip, Jackson actually catches the ball, gets both feet down, takes 2 more steps and lands on his backside jarring the ball lose. It is ruled incomplete. How is that different from the Johnson catch where he bobbled the ball after hitting the ground out of bounds. Or that catch that was a pick?

I could come up with lots of examples where the process of making a catch is extended at least 2 steps past possession. Johnson didn't even make 2. The overturned int, the receiver didn't even make 1.
I want to go out like my Grandpa did. Peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.
12 years ago
I think we all agree the NFL officials have been very inconsistent with what is an is not a catch. The only thing that has been consistent is when challenging the ruling of a catch or incompletion, you have about 50/50 shot at getting it your way, lol.
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    dfosterf (21-Jun) : Packers picked up Lions reject kicker James Turner, the guy they cut to make room for Jake Bates
    Mucky Tundra (20-Jun) : And Javon Bullard missing a tackle. Win some lose some apparently
    Zero2Cool (20-Jun) : Madden 25 trailer opens with Justin Fields returning a kick off hahahaha
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    Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : I saw that today. I actually thought he passed away few years ago. 24 time All Star.
    Martha Careful (19-Jun) : sad news tonight. Willie Mays passes away. He was the greatest of all time
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    jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
    Mucky Tundra (11-Jun) : @AndyHermanNFL Looks like Tucker Kraft is out of the sling. Progress!
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    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
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    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Pads or no pads, welcome to the N
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    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : God and a lot of money brought Reggie to GB
    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : yep. became the highest paid defensive player in the league and 3rd highest behind Elway and Marino
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    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
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    Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
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