12 years ago
Back to serious.

Matt Flynn and Aaron Rodgers spent about an hour together last night going over plays, especially the no-huddle. Rodgers also assisted from the sidelines by calling no-huddle plays for Flynn and the Packers, said Flynn.

I really admire this about Aaron Rodgers. I read this and think, true team player.
12 years ago

Back to serious.

Matt Flynn and Aaron Rodgers spent about an hour together last night going over plays, especially the no-huddle. Rodgers also assisted from the sidelines by calling no-huddle plays for Flynn and the Packers, said Flynn.

I really admire this about Aaron Rodgers. I read this and think, true team player.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Yes, and especially since we all know Flynn most likely won't be a Packer next year. Really cool that Aaron did this for Flynn.

I hope they take into consideration that Aaron was calling plays from the sideline the day Flynn through 6 TD passes and 480 yards. They won't though unfortunately.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
12 years ago
Can take a lot of positives away as far as offense goes but the defense was just more of the same. Stafford did make some great throws but the blitz isn't getting home and it's getting our secondary torched. Sending 5-6 guys at the QB without them getting home is a recipe for disaster.

We HAVE to find a way to get to the quarterback in the playoffs or we are going to waste a very special chance with this offense. Brad Jones had a sack and had maybe 2 pressures so that is good to see. So'oto had a sack that was taken away as well. I don't know but a good defense is going to EVENTUALLY slow us down and ruin what a good season this can be due to a defense putting up record numbers in the wrong direction.
12 years ago
What more can you say about Ryan Grant's rebound? Even before his injury last year, I often was critical about a lot of the cuts he made and his tendancy to run into his own men (then go down). How much better has this man gotten with all of the above? He even seems faster, I can't remember the last time I saw a Packers RB straight-up outrun everyone.

Obviously, Flynn and Nelson had a phenomenal game, that much is obvious. But a rushing average of 4 YPC and that 80 yard TD screen means that Grant should get a lot of recognition as well, especially as things continue to get colder and snowy-er.

Keys to a Packers repeat (in order):
1. Having the defense come back from a disappointing showing and proving that giving up 41 points was mostly because of no Woodson and CM3. Continue to do good in the red zone forcing FGs and the occasional 3 and out, timely takeaways
2. O line continuing to protect the QB as well as they have the last few games.
3. No drops. Finley in particular has had too many, everyone else has dropped a few too but the bottom line is that about the only thing that can stop this offense is this offense and if you don't stop this offense, there's little that can be done to beat the Packers.
12 years ago

What more can you say about Ryan Grant's rebound? Even before his injury last year, I often was critical about a lot of the cuts he made and his tendancy to run into his own men (then go down). How much better has this man gotten with all of the above? He even seems faster, I can't remember the last time I saw a Packers RB straight-up outrun everyone.

Obviously, Flynn and Nelson had a phenomenal game, that much is obvious. But a rushing average of 4 YPC and that 80 yard TD screen means that Grant should get a lot of recognition as well, especially as things continue to get colder and snowy-er.

Keys to a Packers repeat (in order):
1. Having the defense come back from a disappointing showing and proving that giving up 41 points was mostly because of no Woodson and CM3. Continue to do good in the red zone forcing FGs and the occasional 3 and out, timely takeaways
2. O line continuing to protect the QB as well as they have the last few games.
3. No drops. Finley in particular has had too many, everyone else has dropped a few too but the bottom line is that about the only thing that can stop this offense is this offense and if you don't stop this offense, there's little that can be done to beat the Packers.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

Grant looked good, all our RB's are very good but our run blocking is not good. Was under par again today but the pass blocking was good aside for about 2 drives in the 2nd half.

12 years ago

Can take a lot of positives away as far as offense goes but the defense was just more of the same. Stafford did make some great throws but the blitz isn't getting home and it's getting our secondary torched. Sending 5-6 guys at the QB without them getting home is a recipe for disaster.

We HAVE to find a way to get to the quarterback in the playoffs or we are going to waste a very special chance with this offense. Brad Jones had a sack and had maybe 2 pressures so that is good to see. So'oto had a sack that was taken away as well. I don't know but a good defense is going to EVENTUALLY slow us down and ruin what a good season this can be due to a defense putting up record numbers in the wrong direction.

Originally Posted by: Rios39 

The point about pressure is right on; this team is seriously Clay or bust. I paid closer attention to Mike Neal, and he looks like a shell of himself last year (when he played). Not explosive, got some push back nothing significant, and had trouble getting around tackles.

Walden has regressed terribly. Pretty shocking considering his level of play a few weeks ago. Jones is mediocre, which sadly might make him the best of the bunch. I was interested in seeing So'to play, and while he had a good sack and has this intensity to him, he's still so raw. And the fact that he somehow ended up covering Megatron in pass-D should give serious pause to anyone wanting So'to to get consistent playing time. Seriously, how does he even end up guarding C. Johnson? If he is opposite Clay and ends up guarding a player like Saints TE Jimmy Graham in the post-season, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a heart attack. And that is just as a fan. Capers head might actually explode should that happen in a game; it's about the worst scenario we could imagine (outside of the receiver being totally wide open). DE/OLB in the draft to pair opposite Clay is a huge priority.

As for positives:
The positive is that our run-D was much better (not saying much against the level of competition) and that is a start. Tackling was okay, and the lanes weren't big enough to fit 2 O-linemen through. It's better than what we've been seeing lately.

Burnett was active. Which is a plus. We desperately need him to mature and start improving his understanding of the game, because we will need to be provide safety help a lot by rotating / understanding tendencies.

Finally, Shields played solid. Outside of one lapse that led to a big completion (TD, was it?) Shields had good position on passes thrown his way. He was looking more like the player that ended last season, which is a welcome sight for our secondary. Any bit of help we can get is needed to sure up our DBs.
The NFL: Where Greg Jennings Happens.
12 years ago
I heard from a lot of Lions fans that the officiating was biased, and that the refs protected and helped the Pack all the way through the season. What's your opinion?
12 years ago

I heard from a lot of Lions fans that the officiating was biased, and that the refs protected and helped the Pack all the way through the season. What's your opinion?

Originally Posted by: gergobacsi 

Well yesterday I can't argue that fact. The refs making Detroit use 2 challenges on calls that were obviously wrong. The fumble to me should of been called down but because you really couldn't see the ball come out it sure looked like he was down. And that td was plain as day a catch that they called incomplete.

Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
12 years ago

Matt Flynn and Aaron Rodgers spent about an hour together last night going over plays, especially the no-huddle. Rodgers also assisted from the sidelines by calling no-huddle plays for Flynn and the Packers, said Flynn.

I really admire this about Aaron Rodgers. I read this and think, true team player.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

and maybe head coach of the Packers some day!
So if you meet me Have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I'll lay your soul to waste
12 years ago
Well, I am here to take my lumps and admit I grossly misjudged this game. Far from being a painfully boring game, it turned out to be one of the most interesting games of the year. Perhaps the most interesting aspect was watching Aaron Rodgers with the headset and playbook calling plays. The Packers actually scored more points (24-21) with Rodgers calling the plays than McCarthy. In my opinion, that was an incredibly selfless thing for Rodgers to do, helping out his backup in a game that very likely cost him MVP votes. Shallow bandwagon jumpers that they are, there are sure to be some voters that will look at Flynn's performance yesterday, look at Drew Brees' performance yesterday, and conclude that Rodgers' accomplishments this year aren't all that impressive after all. On the other hand, I wonder if yesterday was a harbinger of things to come and Rodgers will be given the freedom to call some of his own plays next year. We may be on the cusp of some even more exciting times in Packerland.

Positives for the day:

The offense had its highest output of the year, both in terms of yards and touchdowns, on a week in which the starting quarterback, one of the running backs and two of the wide receivers were on the shelf. Anyone who doubts that Matt Flynn could step in and lead this team to the Super Bowl were Aaron Rodgers to go down has probably been silenced now.

Jordy Nelson on the long bomb remains nothing short of amazing. Who would have thought he would finish second to Calvin Johnson in touchdowns and lead the league in average yards per catch?

Tackling returned to this defense. There were still some players -- most notably, Brad Jones -- who seemed to think catapulting themselves obliquely at their targets is sufficient to bring their man down, but overall, we saw some real tackling yesterday.

The defense forced some turnovers, a couple in eye-catching fashion. Unfortunately, the turnovers were the only way they could get off the field, as usual, but it can't be denied that they gave the offense chances to get back on the field.

Jermichael Finley could suddenly catch again. There was only one pass that could even possibly be considered a drop yesterday, leading me to ask why he can catch for Flynn but not for Rodgers?

Ryan Grant had a solid game. His catch and run on the screen pass -- which looked almost impromptu, I'm not convinced it was a called screen -- was nothing short of spectacular. I think he will turn out to be a pivotal weapon in the playoff run, particularly if Starks continues to struggle.

Negatives for the day:

The running game failed to get into the end zone again. Of course, on a day when the backup quarterback throws 6 touchdowns, who needs a running game, but it would be nice if the Packers could manage a few rushing touchdowns.

Yes, the defense tackled, but not before 10 or 15 yards. They were playing so soft and deep that almost every forward pass was a guaranteed gain. The purpose of tackling is to stop forward progress, preferably before the first down marker. These guys didn't think it was necessary to touch their man until he had gained the first down.

Tramon Williams looked simply abysmal. He was repeatedly caught flat footed and forced to play catchup, and his tackling, such as it was, involved the bare minimum amount of required contact. He played exactly as if he was trying to avoid injury, which made him virtually ineffective. At least his uniform ended up stained all over, which is more than could be said for some of our other defenders.

Mike Neal didn't just look outmatched out there -- he looked positively impotent. His idea of playing defensive line seems to consist solely in holding both of his arms straight out in front of him and blindly trying to stiff-arm the guy in front of him. He gets little to no penetration and shrinks away from contact. He needs to find his balls if he hopes to play much longer in the NFL.

C.J. Wilson is just as bad. Whereas at least he had one nice hit last week, he was utterly invisible this week. He hangs out on the perimeter and shies away from contact whenever possible. He has the cleanest uniform of anyone on this team because he refuses to go to the ground if it at all possible. I can't tell if he's lazy or terrified of getting hurt, but I can't see him making the roster next year unless Ted Thompson drafts no more defensive linemen or one of our key players gets hurt.

Overall, our defensive line got essentially no push into the backfield, leaving the secondary exposed.

Scott Wells seemed off yesterday. I lost count of the number of times Flynn had to jump up for the ball. Kevin speculated that Wells might have failed to adjust to Flynn's height, but Flynn is listed at the same height and weight as Rodgers. Nothing bad came of it, but it did make me nervous that a sack might result from Flynn's being distracted by a bad snap.

This is a minor gripe, more wistful than anything, but it would have been cool if some of Flynn's stats had gone to Rodgers. He had the chance for a truly historical season, but it was cut short by being pulled out of a total of 7 quarters this year. Allowing Flynn to shine yesterday was no doubt great for Flynn's career and will net him a ton of cash, but the fact remains he won't be on the Packers' roster next year and Rodgers will. I fail to see what the Packers really gained by showcasing Flynn in this way.

Either way, as I said, after the frustrations of the first quarter, this was one of the most exciting games of the year. I only wish I hadn't come down with that headache, so I could have enjoyed it even more.
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    Mucky Tundra (27-Jun) : @ochocinco Jayden Reed bitch, learn the fucking name now got damn casual fans 🧀
    Zero2Cool (26-Jun) : Thanks!
    jdlax (26-Jun) : Happy belated Dad Day Kev and all
    jdlax (26-Jun) : The Panthers- Canada's team
    beast (26-Jun) : And the Hershey Bears for their AHL Championship 🏆 with tons of overtime games
    Zero2Cool (25-Jun) : Sure getting lot of spam accounts lately.
    Martha Careful (25-Jun) : Congratulations to the Florida Panthers in the NHL and U Tenn in the CWS on their championships
    Zero2Cool (24-Jun) : He slammed Rodgers for not being married. And said he wants his QB settled down, not single.
    wpr (24-Jun) : NOT
    wpr (24-Jun) : This is such a relief. I have been so worried that Cowturd, I mean, herd would never approve of Love.
    Zero2Cool (23-Jun) : Colin Cowherd now approves of Jordan Love.
    Zero2Cool (23-Jun) : Jordan Love has proposed to his girlfriend Ronika Stone
    wpr (22-Jun) : A Packer, Lion and Viking kicker were vying for a job. The bares kicker didn't even qualify.
    dfosterf (21-Jun) : Supposedly looked good up to this point in OTA's etc. "Monster Leg" mentioned.
    dfosterf (21-Jun) : Packers picked up Lions reject kicker James Turner, the guy they cut to make room for Jake Bates
    Mucky Tundra (20-Jun) : And Javon Bullard missing a tackle. Win some lose some apparently
    Zero2Cool (20-Jun) : Madden 25 trailer opens with Justin Fields returning a kick off hahahaha
    Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : Packers have released kicker Jack Podlesny.
    Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : I saw that today. I actually thought he passed away few years ago. 24 time All Star.
    Martha Careful (19-Jun) : sad news tonight. Willie Mays passes away. He was the greatest of all time
    Martha Careful (16-Jun) : Amen Z2C, I hope all of you fathers have a terrific Fathers' Day. Be great fathers!!!
    Zero2Cool (16-Jun) : Happy Father's Day to the dad's
    Zero2Cool (14-Jun) : YOU BROKE IT
    buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Welcome to "The Dead Zone" may the only Packer News we hear is positive!!
    buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Trevor Lawrence-5yr 275mil-200mil guaranteed. J-10VE is next.
    Mucky Tundra (13-Jun) : @AaronWilson_NFL #Packers have signed first-round pick Jordan Morgan to $14.185 million deal that includes $7.135 million signing bonus
    jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
    Mucky Tundra (11-Jun) : @AndyHermanNFL Looks like Tucker Kraft is out of the sling. Progress!
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : That's also my oldests birthday
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Thought it was I fucking hate SNF. I went what why it's consistently way better than any other game
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
    wpr (10-Jun) : that's great jdlax
    jdlax (10-Jun) : God I hate the Shithawks
    jdlax (10-Jun) : Sunday Night fucking Football
    jdlax (10-Jun) : I just got my tickets to represent in Seattle December 15th woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    Martha Careful (9-Jun) : I really enjoyed game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. Sergei Bobrovsky G - FL was incredibly good.
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : *NFL
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Pads or no pads, welcome to the N
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Rashan Gary just steamrolled Jordan Morgan on a bull rush. Drove right over him to the ground.
    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : God and a lot of money brought Reggie to GB
    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : yep. became the highest paid defensive player in the league and 3rd highest behind Elway and Marino
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Packers signed second-round pick Javon Bullard
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Reggie White got something like 4 years $17m total right?
    buckeyepackfan (3-Jun) : 110mil guaranteed!!!
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Justin Jefferson. 4/$140m ??? wow
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : that was from the 29th but I've seen other combs (including Rhyan@C)
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @ByRyanWood Without Elgton Jenkins and Zach Tom, #Packers starting OL: Rasheed Walker, Jordan Morgan, Josh Myers, Sean Rhyan, Andre Dillard.
    Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
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