Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Sigh. Some days I identify with my fundie-conservative friends more than others.
Even though I disagree with my religious conservative friends on their willingness to quote the Old Testament when they get all moralistic, as in, I imagine, whatever this placard-carrier was responding to, I also want to say something to said placard carrier.
Namely that he's completely missing the real point. Which isn't that homosexuality is against the Law of the Old Testament at all. Which isn't even an Old Testament point.
The real point is that if you're spending your time whining about your rights to put your dangly bit in particular places with particular people, you're ignoring the Great Commandment.
That said fundie conservatives might be mistaking the demands of the Great Commission doesn't change that kind of self-idolatry and self-absorption. At least they are striving to put God at the center of their lives and get others to do the same.
The real point is that the fundie's quotation of the Bible is different in kind from the placard-carrier's quotation. The real point is that the consequences are different if the placard carrier is wrong than if the fundie is wrong. If the fundie is wrong, as I think he is, my gut tells me that God'll be okay with it -- since the fundie is acting from a stance of faith and trust and love for his Lord. But if the placard carrier is wrong, as I think he is, he's also failed in failing to put God first. And the consequences of that, in my opinion, are catastrophic.
The real point is not being able to quote Bible verse for one's position. It's about what you're quoting the Bible
for. If you're quoting the Bible because you're trying to follow God's will, you're using it correctly. If you're quoting the Bible to affirm the importance of your choices and your rights, you're not.
Because that's not what its for.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)