Until one of you explains to me how we can possible be forgiven for slavery, the unjust conquest of American Southwest, and the treatment of the Asians and American Indians this conversation goes nowhere. Those wounds have not been cleansed, or the attempt even made. They are still wide open. We whip out our flags and proclaim our freedom a couple times a year and Lee Greenwood gets a few gigs and sings "Proud to be and American" and we feel all giddy. It's all bullshit because American was built on the backs of those aforementioned oppressed peoples. And the biggest beneficiaries of the bull shit are the top 5 percenters and it is why I have a strong disdain for them. Even if they were stripped of all their wealth - it wouldn't be enough to make it all right.
Originally Posted by: DakotaT
We don't need to be forgiven for slavery. I ask this seriously, have you spoken to any black folks? They don't want forgiveness, they want freedom and they want to be viewed as you, me, the guy next door, etc. When I was young and in school, we were educated on slavery. One of my best friends was black, I told him I was sorry for what his ancestors went through. You know what he said? "Doogie, you got nothing to be sorry for man, it wasn't you, it's the past."
This worrying about being forgiven about Slavery, what about what the Jewish went through? I'm German, do I need to give up being a father, quit my job and devote my life to making the first Jewish person I see ... make their life better because of what my ancestors MAY have done to their ancestors?
The point I'm making is, blacks are not the only ones who were scrutinized against, women were, Jewish were, Asians, Indians, etc ... and if we hold the perception that we must atone for others mistakes, it sets an awful precedent on several fronts. 1, it says "hey I'm above you, I need your forgiveness for something I did not do, to someone you don't know" and 2, it says "bah, I can treat this person like garbage, I'll let those who are born 50 - 100 years from atone for my inconsiderate biggot behavior".
NOTHING can be done, NOTHING! Slavery happened. Women were discriminated against. Holocaust happened. Neither YOU nor I can change that. Neither YOU nor I should have the audacity to even ASK for forgiveness.
You want someone to explain how we can be forgiven for those atrocities of our ancestors? It's quite simple Troy, you be the best damn husband you can be. You be the best damn father you can be, better than you even knew you could be. You raise your children to never be apart of such atrocious behavior of human beings. You raise your children to be open minded, understanding, respectful, proud and most importantly (related to the subject that is) you raise them to understand everyone is EQUAL regardless of sex, race, appearance or sexual orientation. That Troy, that is the best thing that any of us can do to atone for the past.