13 years ago
Part of the Clinton's money is from oil companies they own/have stock in. I posted the info quite awhile ago and gave the source. I don't have that available now. Of course they don't go out and brag about it. They purposely keep it hush hush. After all, how would it look, when so much of their retoric is about those horrible oil companies?
13 years ago
I don't see exactly what the uproar would be.

First of all, what does political preference or a preference to a certain economical system have to do with personal wealth? Clinton could've had $20 billion, but he still went for a more social distribution of wealth and got that economy running on all cylinders.

Second of all, so what if he has stock in oil companies? Why is having your cake and eating it too looked down upon so much? He's pushed through enviromental laws which he felt in his own pockets, as well, if he did indeed have stock in oil companies.

And how the whole union thing is the fault of the democrats and the democrats alone is beyond me.

I know this much, even without unions your jobs would be going overseas. Or are you planning on working for $3,- an hour? Because, with the price levels the way they are now, there's no way you can compete with countries like India, Bangladesh and China.

Want a fix? Work with the EU and up import penalties. When these low salary countries have to pay a ridiculous amount of money when importing goods into western countries, they reallt have no choice but to stay over there. And here, as well.
13 years ago
Rock, the point i am making is that the Clintons and most of the democrats have been the ones yelling about how everything Bush did was to get rich for and with the oil companies.
Me, i don't care if the Clintons make money off oil or not.
But if you are going to complain about "big oil", then you shouldn't be making money off it.
In other words, practice what you preach.
It would be like Hugh Hefner complaining about porn.
13 years ago
Yes, but is people making money off of oil companies the problem here, or rather that the Bush tax cuts are designed to make the US some kind of valhalla for these rich (oil company owners)?
13 years ago

Yes, but is people making money off of oil companies the problem here, or rather that the Bush tax cuts are designed to make the US some kind of valhalla for these rich (oil company owners)?

"Rockmolder" wrote:

EVERYONE benefited from the Bush tax cuts. Is that a problem for you? How about we tax Jews and Black people more than the rest of us just because it's socially acceptable to be prejudiced toward certain demographics.

If it really bothers you that people actually work for a living by producing oil then sell your car and turn off your furnace. Oil companies will go out of business sure as rain if people like you would actually act on their words instead of whining. By all means change the world; you can start by changing yourself first.
13 years ago

First, i want to make this clear. I DO NOT watch Fox news channel. I do watch the local Fox station (channel 6) in Milwaukee. Bit they are HARDLY "right wingers". I(t's funny how all the local news outlits show all the protestors, but show very little of those that stand with Walker. And unlike you might think, there are plenty that do stand with what he is trying to do.

I saw Bill Clinton mentioned as some great guy in this thread. You mean the extremely RICH Bill and Hillary Clinton? They have more money then i could count. WHERE did they get all that money? I know they own oil company stock.
Why are rich democrats never held to the same standard that rich republicans are? Bush gets vilified for supposedly doing dasterdly things "for the rich oil barrons". mean like the Clintons?
My wife pays $500 a month out of her checks for our health insurance. And we still have to pay deductables. She pays almost $50 a month in union dues. Yet any time she has needed to union, not ONE of the reps at her work actually did anything to help her.
Unions push up wages, then protect the LAZY ones who SHOULD be fired, while doing squat for the hard workers. I've seen this more times then i can count. I worked at a union shop, and the guy at the machine in front of me WAS ASLEEP AT HIS MACHINE. I took a bathroom break. Was gone from my machine for 10 minutes, came back and was called into the office and yelled at. With the union rep there, i asked "Why am i being yelled at for a valid reason for not being at my machine, while the guy in front of me was ASLEEP!?!" I was told in front of my boss by the union rep "He was at his machine." So he got away with that right in front of the boss, and the boss did nothing to the guy sleeping.
THAT is what unions are today. And they inflate wages to the point where it's not possible for the companies to make their products, so the companies move to other countries.
Like it or not, THAT'S the truth.
Orgainzed crime at it's best.
People deserve FAIR wages and benefits. FAIR compensation being the main word.
But you know, i have no kids. So i guess i shouldn't give a damn if the state bankrupts and costs kids in the next several generations.
Maybe i'll join the democrats after all. After all, i'll be long dead and have no grandchildren to worry about when the bill that's owed comes due.
SPEND AWAY DEMOCRATS! I don't care anymore.

"Cheesey" wrote:

In 2008, 70% of campaign donations from Oil companies went to Republicans. John McCain was the highest receiver. That left 30% for democrats.

Yes, democrats do indeed get support from oil companies. I'm sure the Clintons have as well.

Much as I'm sure some lawyers out there than vote Republican. I don't have to tell you that most do not.

However, most oil companies want republicans in office. That's just a fact.


Hillary Clinton didn't even receive more money than Rudy and Romney last presidential election. I suspect they'll support Romney or Hailey Barbour in upcoming go around because oil companies are really apart of the establishment Republican Party. As was G.W. Bush. If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken, taste like chicken, it is probably chicken.
13 years ago
Is this the Bill Clinton "Great Guy" mention?

"If the Tea Party was truly about the things you stated above, wouldn't their politics be more inline with Bill Clinton, the last American president to run a budget surplus, instead of Michelle Bachman, a woman who believes the founding fathers fought tirelessly to end slavery and that the battles of Lexington & Concord took place in New Hampshire."

That's what gets me about these discussions, a point was made about the hypocrisy displayed by the Tea Party and it falls on deaf ears, "Somebody said Clinton was a good guy but he made money from oil!" Bill Clinton left office virtually broke from defending himself in the Blow Job v. America case (look it up) and has since regained his fortune through speaking engagements.

And before this becomes a "How dare you defend Bill Clinton" rant, I think the man is responsible for quite a bit of the problems we as a nation have been facing as of late but his mistakes/misdeeds pale in comparison to the Bush eras outright theft of the treasury disguised as "bailouts" for Wall Street, his "War on Terror" etc.

And I still think my Jesus was a socialist prick joke was hilarious!
13 years ago

However, most oil companies want republicans in office. That's just a fact.

"porky88" wrote:

Maybe it's because Republicans don't pass bills to stop drilling for more oil.

If America developed its untapped oil resources, what do you think will happen to the price of gas at the pump? Until then, what happens in Libya and Iran will have a greater impact on your wallet.

Here's a news flash for you, Sherlock... If you have money invested in a mutual fund or 401(k), chances are you own a little piece of the oil industry. It's people like YOU who are making money off of oil. GASP!
13 years ago
Walkers budget shows how hes failed 

Perhaps the only honest portion of the budget has to do with taxpayer-funded vouchers for private schools. Before giving the governor credit for honesty, however, you also need to understand how vicious the proposal is. Over the years, many people may have wondered why Republicans were such stalwart supporters of tax vouchers to allow poor black and Latino children to attend private schools. Republicans and their right-wing supporters dont want to pay taxes for anything. And they certainly dont care about poor children, especially not children of color.

Walkers budget finally exposes the entire Republican plot. While Walker guts the funding of public schools that educate the overwhelming majority of poor children -- white, black and brown -- he removes income limits on families receiving tax vouchers for private schools. What that means is all those rich parents who send their children to expensive private schools now will receive generous taxpayer subsidies at the same time poor children in public schools are having their educations decimated.

Walker, who fraudulently campaigned on creating jobs, jobs, jobs, already has begun sending out pink slips to thousands of state employees. Now his budget not only slashes nearly a billion dollars from aid to local government, but he also would make it illegal for local officials to raise property taxes to replace all those state funds he is wiping out. That leaves local governments with no choice but to lay off thousands more workers and -- after collective bargaining rights are abolished -- further reduce the pay and benefits of anyone still employed.

Why in the world would any political leader want to cut jobs at a time when the nation is still struggling toward recovery from one of the worst financial disasters in history?

Poll: Strong opposition of collective bargaining bills 

The BizPulse Survey conducted this past week reveals that 92 percent of the respondents said they did not support Ohio's efforts to limit collective bargaining for public workers. Of those, 75 percent said it was an attack on middle class workers, while 17 percent said it simply won't solve anything.

The poll had 11,412 votes cast with dozens of reader comments and ran on the Dayton Business Journal's Web site. While not a scientific poll, the survey does offer insight into the thinking of a wide segment of the population. Link to poll 

Walker's proposal may violate Clean Water Act 

The former head of the Division of Water in the state Department of Natural Resources said rollbacks of clean water regulations in Gov. Scott Walkers proposed budget could put the state in violation of federal laws.

Walker has proposed reducing standards for phosphorus which were set in a rule passed by the Natural Resources Board last year. His budget also includes a plan to eliminate municipal stormwater standards that regulate pollutants running off streets, parking lots and other urban surfaces.

But Todd Ambs, who until last year was chief of the DNRs water division, said such changes could put the state in violation of the federal Clean Water Act as well as the Great Lakes Initiative, which sets standards for a number of pollutants, including phosphorus, and was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1995.

"Its a huge step backwards," said Ambs, who is now president of the River Network, a national environmental organization.

Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear 

Thursday, the fiscal bureau was forced to correct its memo describing the bill, after unearthing some more buried treasure. Seems there were a few things the original memo forgot to mention:

There are two items in the LFB's March 10 document that are not reflected in the March 9 document.

Here's the language in the second version of the document:

Governor: Allow the Department of Administration (DOA) to sell any state-owned heating, cooling, or power plant or contract with private entities for the operation of any such plant,
with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount the Department determines to be in the best
interest of the state.

As a reminder, that power plant provision points directly to Koch Industries, who is already advertising for power plant managers. 

13 years ago

However, most oil companies want republicans in office. That's just a fact.

"vegOmatic" wrote:

Maybe it's because Republicans don't pass bills to stop drilling for more oil.

If America developed its untapped oil resources, what do you think will happen to the price of gas at the pump? Until then, what happens in Libya and Iran will have a greater impact on your wallet.

Here's a news flash for you, Sherlock... If you have money invested in a mutual fund or 401(k), chances are you own a little piece of the oil industry. It's people like YOU who are making money off of oil. GASP!

"porky88" wrote:

If your argument is that oil companies have the right to vote for whomever they want on whatever principals they want, then I agree with you. I have no problem with them exercising their right to vote.

However, when it comes to oil, the Bush's and Clinton's are apples and oranges in terms of money. So are democrats and republicans. If you really have to wonder, why Bush/Cheney is link to oil and Hillary and Bill Clinton are not, either then you are misinformed or an avid listener of right wing radio. Then again, I'm not sure if there is a difference.

For the record, that last paragraph does not apply to me. I have neither.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (51m) : Eagles WR DeVonta Smith will be a DNP in today’s practice. He’s dealing with back tightness. But the expectation is that he’ll play Sunday.
Zero2Cool (1h) : Jalen Hurts has cleared the concussion protocol. He’s playing Sunday.
Zero2Cool (1h) : 𝕏avier McKinney First Team All-Pro
Zero2Cool (5h) : NFL moves Vikings-Rams playoff tilt to Arizona due to fires
Zero2Cool (5h) : Rams lose home field advantage for Monday game.
Mucky Tundra (20h) : Notre Lame=Notre Dame, Luckeyes=Ohio State, Pedo St=Penn St
Zero2Cool (21h) : ... It clearly was not what we were supposed to be in, certainly."
Zero2Cool (21h) : Hafley says 3rd and 11 call there was a miscommunication.
Zero2Cool (22h) : The only team I know is Texas from that. Who are the other three?
Mucky Tundra (22h) : Notre Lame vs Pedo St tonight and the Luckeyes vs Texas tomorrow
Mucky Tundra (23h) : Stud
Zero2Cool (9-Jan) : E. Cooper. Rookie of Month. Defense.
Mucky Tundra (8-Jan) : @AaronNagler · 2m Both Jordan Love and Malik Willis were Limited participants at Packers practice today.
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Johnson didn't make it until 2020. Ring 2023. 🤷 Personally, he should have been in years prior to Hall.
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : HUMP DAY
beast (8-Jan) : Guys that have a good shot at making the NFL Hall of Fame usually get into their teams pretty fast
beast (8-Jan) : Yeah, but is Kampman and the others in the NFL Hall of Fame?
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Johnson was Hall of Fame, 2020. Should haev been in Ring a year later, not three years.
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : I could be wrong there though
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Guys like Kampman, Tim Harris, Al Harris, etc all over 15 years. Hall of Fame is 5 year wait
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : I guess I see players in Packers Hall come way later
beast (8-Jan) : Yeah, usually teams hall of fames are a much lower bar than the NFL
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : is it uncommon for Hall before Ring?
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : S Xavier McKinney named first-team All-Pro by NFLPA
beast (8-Jan) : I missed it, sorry, but he got into the NFL Hall of Fame years before that
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Jones took his sweet ole time!
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Yeah, he's in the ring of honor, just saw video and his name is up there
Zero2Cool (8-Jan) : Didn't they have a thing in 2023 for Jimmy's ring of honor? I swear I saw it
beast (8-Jan) : Though if they're legitimately trying to re-sign MM, then it makes sense.
beast (8-Jan) : Jerry Jones still hasn't put Jimmy Johnson in the Ring of Honor, but he's in the NFL's Hall of Fame, Jones is petty
Mucky Tundra (8-Jan) : Unless the Cowboys are planning an extension, seems kinda petty
beast (8-Jan) : Cowboys denied Bears request
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : From what I'm reading, MM is under contract through the 14th of January; after that he's free game
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : McCarthy let go or not extended??
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Chicago Bears have asked the Dallas Cowboys permission to interview Mike McCarthy for head coaching vacancy
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : The winners page that is
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : I was not hoping for that. It messes up the page lol
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3.
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3.
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : congrats beast on 2024 !
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : congrats porky on winning 2023 pick'em! (oops sorry)
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : Packers have $60M+ of 2025 cap space on paper TODAY.
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Missed FG into a Lions TD; that'll do pig, that'll do
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : That might be it for the Vikings
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Oh so the refs do know what intentional grounding is
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : what the hell was that Goff?! Not much pressure and he just air mails it to Harrison
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : They really need to to get rid of the auto first down for illegal contact
Martha Careful (6-Jan) : watching the Vikings and Lions it's understandable why they swept the Packers. So much better product
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Even when GB got pressure he was throwing darts; vs no pressure on that last pass he just air mails an open guy
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
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