I find it interesting that sport figures and fans tend to object quite frequently to political correctness (which, btw, I have no problem with at all), yet they also get really bothered when an athlete like Cutler refuses to be nice and "personable".
I'm not a Cutler fan. He's always struck me as a Brett Favre who has never learned discipline on the field, and of course he plays for the Bears.
But I also think he takes a bad rap because, unlike your average quarterback, he doesn't bother to be nice nice on the podium or when a reporter shoves a mike in his face.
So fucking what if a camera catches him on the sideline not smiling or wrapped up because he's just been knocked out of the most important game in his life.
I'm not saying he's a saint or a role model. He's a quarterback -- my working assumption is that, like most quarterbacks, he's basically an asshole. And if people want to rip on him for his play when he's in the game, that's one thing. But ripping into him because he didn't "man up" and play through the injury, or because he wasn't spending his time chatting with Caleb Hanie? Give me an effin' break.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)