I think this is my take on the Favre/Sterger story: In the end, Brett Favre stonewalled and got penalized by the league, and Jenn Sterger got betrayed by an acquaintance who turned incriminating photos, allegedly of Favre, over to Deadspin. She was certain the league had enough evidence to suspend Favre for sending her the photos, but the same forensic crew that investigated Favre for her also investigated the case for the league -- Charlie Casserly reported that for CBS Sunday, and he's right -- and the crew couldn't say with 100 percent certainty that the pictures were of Favre and sent by Favre.
At the end, the league didn't buy that Sterger was sexually harassed by Favre, in part because the league's investigation of the case didn't find a trail of Sterger complaining about Favre.
I'm sure we all have our opinions of what Favre did, and how much exactly the league could prove in the case, but what the league could prove was a couple of awkward wooing-type phone calls from Favre to Sterger, and in the absence of more solid documentation that Favre harassed her, the league felt it couldn't go further.
My problem is the size of the fine. If Goodell felt Favre either lied or obstructed the investigation, it's a wrist-slap to have Favre pay one third of one percent of his salary as the sanction.
"Peter King" wrote: