I've flown out of La Crosse, Minneapolis, Chicago, Madison, Charlotte, Augusta, Raleigh, Atlanta, New York, Bangor, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Zurich, Kuwait City, and who knows how many other places. The only place I've encountered friendly TSA agents has been Madison. Most of them are irritable and distant at best, treating people like they are inconveniences -- instead of the taxpayers who pay for their salaries -- and quite a few are overtly rude, if not downright contemptuous.
The infuriating thing about it is I was never treated like that anywhere in Europe. The security agents for other lands were unfailingly polite and helpful. It was only as I was walking through the gate to return to my own land that I was treated as a potential criminal again.
If I've done something wrong -- if I'm acting inappropriately -- then you can treat me like a malcontent. Until then, you damn well be treating me like the guaranteed paycheck that I am, or I will take offense.
Down with the Tyrannical Security Agency. It's outlived its usefulness, if it ever had any in the first place.
"Nonstopdrivel" wrote: