I just don't know anymore. I'm probably biased based on the events of the past week, so I'll try to be as objective as I can.
I've watched this team for my entire life. I remember the good times, and I especially remember the bad. Under Thompson, a good young core of players has been put into place that should ensure success for seasons to come. McCarthy's definitely shown that he can create an offense that can seemingly score at will.
For the past few years, this team has been talked up about how it's primed to win a superbowl. But you know what - I just don't think either McCarthy nor Thompson has that killer instinct to get this team there. Take this week for instance - instead of going in for the kill to get Lynch, Thompson yet again gets outbid for a player. On the McCarthy side, when's the last time we saw this team really put someone away?
Champions go in for the kill. Champions step on the opposition's throat. And while I can't exactly fault Thompson for not getting Lynch or whomever and the same goes for McCarthy, it's damned frustrating. It seems as though there's a sense of complacency on parts of the roster - no rush to improve this part or that. It pains me as a fan to see Rodgers and Woodson, among others, waste seemingly another season.
Lack of a killer instinct. A tricky concept, but I haven't seen it from either Thompson or McCarthy. I've seen flashes - examples being Thompson trading up for Matthews and McCarthy calling that fake punt in the playoff game...but just that - only flashes.
I'm rambling. And this post came off biased, I'm sure.
"I wouldn't root for the Minnesota Vikings to win a chess match against Nazi Germany."