. I hate listening to Lerivee(sp) he really grates on me. He is very hard to follow. His annoucing is very misleading as to the action. His interviewing and commenting outside the actual game is fine. Man, I miss Jim Irwin and Max.
"Cheesey" wrote:
I gave you a plus one. I kind of feel this way. He (Larivee) Doesn't give a good description to what's going on, in my view. The "dagger" comment is ok. But overall, he doean't really sound like he cares. Irwin and Mcgee NEVER made you wonder "Is this GOOD or BAD for the Packers?" You KNEW in their voices which way it was.
Larivee was an announcer for the Bears. I don't think he has the connection with "our" team that Irwin and McGee had, and it shows in his game calling.
"PackerTraxx" wrote: