Please correct me if i'm wrong.......shouldn't the leader of the United States talk up the country?
Shouldn't one of his #1 concerns be the protection of AMERICAN CITIZENS? Like, say, our borders??? I heard him talk when he was with the Mexican president. The way he talked about Arizona, like they were doing something wrong, made me want to throw up.
Obama is more concerned about his image with other countries then he is with doing the right thing. He wants to be "PC". I'm sorry, but there is a time to stand up and say things that might piss off others, if it means protecting US!
Yeah, he's a good "speaker" (when then words are written for him). I heard him the other day, and once he got off his "speech" and answered questions, he said he had important "stuff" to do. When questioned further, all he said was "you know, STUFF".
The reason people label others is for a pretty good reason. As the old saying goes, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If you see all that Obama does, he's a liberal. Funny thing is, i don't watch Fox news. Most people probably think i do, but it's VERY rare that i do. I don't avoid it on purpose, i just usually watch the local news.
I judge each on a individual basis. And what i have seen of the current president, i don't like or agree with.
I don't WANT him to fail. I wish he would "change" the way he's taking this country. I( wish he would be the best president we ever had. I would LOVE to have him prove me wrong about him. Because that would mean that the COUNTRY would be flourishing, and that is a hell of alot more important then me being right.