Uh Vikesrule........my wife is from North Dakota. She's been with me for 45 years. Must be some sense coming out of that state....
"vikesrule" wrote:
Bob, I deeply regret that I failed to mention that I was referring only to male of the species that inhabit that God forsaken region.
And it it is well documented that the aforementioned males reach a peak of nonintellectual capacity around age 40..... and sadly remain there.
"MontanaBob" wrote:
This reminds me of a joke.
So a guy is working at a grocery store and some big Neanderthal looking guy takes a head of lettuce, snaps it in half with his hands, and asks our hero "how much for half a head of lettuce?"
So our hero says "hold on" and walks over to his manager and tells him that some a-hole broke a head of lettuce and then realized the guy followed him to his manager and said "and this gentleman here is willing to buy the other half."
So, after that was over, the manager took our hero aside and said "I like you kid. You think on your feet, really fast. We got a store in Toronto that's run poorly and I really need you to take it over and fix it."
Then our hero replied "Toronto?! Toronto's only got prostitutes and hockey players" to which the manager replied "my wife is from Toronto."
"Oh really? What position does she play?"
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. š¹š¹ š²š² š¦š·