(Please note that I'm only speaking of men here since, quite frankly, I have no real clue how women might categorize men.)
IMO, men tend to put women into three categories:
1. Toy.
2. Roll in the hay.
3. Person to have relationship with.
The toy is just an object. The woman you see in a bar or on TV or wherever, and you drool, fantasize about anal sex with, buy pornographic pictures of, or whatever. Jessica Biel, alas, for me.
The roll in a hay is actually an interesting person, if perhaps only temporarily so. Someone you have common cause with, because of the nights conversation or set of conversations or whatever, and at the end of the night, you have some fun together. It might be a long time friendship, but the sex part is not something that gets repeated much. Just sort of happens naturally because of temporary "good vibrations".
"Toy" and "roll in the hay" are just sex centered. The third category is centered somewhere else, with sex as a possible byproduct. This is what I think of when I hear words like "marriage" or "relationship" or "monogamy" or "polygamy".
ISTM that, apart from what God says on the question (which I refuse to go into for reasons I've already stated), the first category is the only dangerous one. The only one where, in the language of this thread, where "men" should bear "more" responsibility for the consequences of the sex than "women."
"Roll in the hay" and "relationship" are both, by definition, reciprocal exchanges of value. It takes two to tango and it takes two to say "I do". The male who enters the bed thinking of his partner as just another set of receptacles or trophy to brag about, however, is not exchanging value. He's just littering his seed all over the highway.
Do we fine the highway for the beer cans we find along it?
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)