14 years ago

Memo to New Orleans residents:

1. That big blue thing is called an ocean.

2. If you would have to look up to see it, you might want to make flood insurance a priority, and kindly don't blame the government for any decisions they made or didn't make about some wall if you were not smart enough to have aforementioned coverage. If you can't afford to live there, then don't.

3. If you would have to look up to see previously mentioned big blue thing, you might want to get the fuck out of the way of it when a hurricane is coming.

I give you this advice because thanks to your fucking stupidity, along with the stupidity of my fellow Americans, I get to help pay for it, so the least I can do is pass this along, even though you are apparently too fucking stupid to comprehend what is being hinted at...ah-- well--let me break it down to simpler terms:


How stupid are these people?

I factored in hurricanes when I purchased my home. I live in central Pennsylvania. I needed to. That is my big hint, you GD morons! (folk that did not in New Orleans---- and to to the rest of you- I'm still workin' on that whole PC thing. :pottytrain2: )

Rep. John Murtha D- PA just died. Tag him and bag him. Hopefully we get a Republican to replace him. Semper fi, you prick. I'll see you in hell.

"dfosterf" wrote:

Normally i would agree with this, however the people of new orleans were assured their homes would be safe and the levy's were fine. Its not like the city was built on the beach.
BAD EMAIL because the address couldn ot be found, or is unable to receive mail.
14 years ago
Seeing all the non love for New Orleans, I will staunchly defend New Orleans and strongly believe as a nation it needs to be a priority to save the city. Why? It's the ONLY city in America where a heterosexual man can see a nice pair of college boobies for the price of cheap beads.

New Orleans rules! Save New Orleans.

Oh, and congratulations Saints. I didn't think I'd watch the game but ended up at a friend's house and enjoyed it immensely.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
14 years ago

Ah, the only problem with your analysis, Foster, is that you think Pennsylvania is different in its politicians and choice thereof.

Here in Iowa the Republicans are looking to put Terry Branstad forward as their candidate again.....despite his having demonstrated, in his earlier stints, his idiocy.

Our gov'mint also spends an average of $14,000 per employee "showing them how their job works". (National average for state employees is something like $700.)

Don't tell VR and Formo this, but I actually thought Minnesota showed a bit of temporary hope for relative sanity when they elected "The Body" for a term. (Of course they quickly reverted to type.)

"Wade" wrote:

My problem is slightly different than that. I am absolutely cursed by having been exposed to (incredible, but true) excellent government. I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone. Many parts of me wish I had never seen such a thing, as it is so deviant from the norm that all else is a source of never-ending frustration.

"dfosterf" wrote:

Okay, you can't leave me hanging like that. Otherwise I'm going to suspect that you had a "serious bout with hallucinegic drugs" earlier in your life. :)

Now maybe if you want to go all historical and point to, say, Geo. Washington; but you're not that old. "Excellent government" in the last 50 or so years....this example I gotta hear about. :)

"Wade" wrote:

Fairfax County, Va 

btw---Since you mentioned him (lol lol lol) George DID live there. lol lol lol
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
14 years ago

Ah, the only problem with your analysis, Foster, is that you think Pennsylvania is different in its politicians and choice thereof.

Here in Iowa the Republicans are looking to put Terry Branstad forward as their candidate again.....despite his having demonstrated, in his earlier stints, his idiocy.

Our gov'mint also spends an average of $14,000 per employee "showing them how their job works". (National average for state employees is something like $700.)

Don't tell VR and Formo this, but I actually thought Minnesota showed a bit of temporary hope for relative sanity when they elected "The Body" for a term. (Of course they quickly reverted to type.)

"dfosterf" wrote:

My problem is slightly different than that. I am absolutely cursed by having been exposed to (incredible, but true) excellent government. I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone. Many parts of me wish I had never seen such a thing, as it is so deviant from the norm that all else is a source of never-ending frustration.

"Wade" wrote:

Okay, you can't leave me hanging like that. Otherwise I'm going to suspect that you had a "serious bout with hallucinegic drugs" earlier in your life. :)

Now maybe if you want to go all historical and point to, say, Geo. Washington; but you're not that old. "Excellent government" in the last 50 or so years....this example I gotta hear about. :)

"dfosterf" wrote:

Fairfax County, Va 

btw---Since you mentioned him (lol lol lol) George DID live there. lol lol lol

"Wade" wrote:

As did, I believe, George Mason. But not in *your* lifetime. :)

So what makes/made Fairfax County "excellent" in its government in the last 5 decades?

(I'm truly curious here -- I know Fairfax County primarily as the home of George Mason University, one of few places where I might expect to find a fair number of academics sharing my philosophical beliefs/crazinesses, but know next to nothing about those who "govern" it. And how in the heck did they manage to avoid the crap that the rest of us have degenerated into?)
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
14 years ago

Ah, the only problem with your analysis, Foster, is that you think Pennsylvania is different in its politicians and choice thereof.

Here in Iowa the Republicans are looking to put Terry Branstad forward as their candidate again.....despite his having demonstrated, in his earlier stints, his idiocy.

Our gov'mint also spends an average of $14,000 per employee "showing them how their job works". (National average for state employees is something like $700.)

Don't tell VR and Formo this, but I actually thought Minnesota showed a bit of temporary hope for relative sanity when they elected "The Body" for a term. (Of course they quickly reverted to type.)

"Wade" wrote:

My problem is slightly different than that. I am absolutely cursed by having been exposed to (incredible, but true) excellent government. I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone. Many parts of me wish I had never seen such a thing, as it is so deviant from the norm that all else is a source of never-ending frustration.

"dfosterf" wrote:

Okay, you can't leave me hanging like that. Otherwise I'm going to suspect that you had a "serious bout with hallucinegic drugs" earlier in your life. :)

Now maybe if you want to go all historical and point to, say, Geo. Washington; but you're not that old. "Excellent government" in the last 50 or so years....this example I gotta hear about. :)

"Wade" wrote:

Fairfax County, Va 

btw---Since you mentioned him (lol lol lol) George DID live there. lol lol lol

"dfosterf" wrote:

As did, I believe, George Mason. But not in *your* lifetime. :)

So what makes/made Fairfax County "excellent" in its government in the last 5 decades?

(I'm truly curious here -- I know Fairfax County primarily as the home of George Mason University, one of few places where I might expect to find a fair number of academics sharing my philosophical beliefs/crazinesses, but know next to nothing about those who "govern" it. And how in the heck did they manage to avoid the crap that the rest of us have degenerated into?)

"Wade" wrote:

I could write a book about that, but the short and sweet explanation is that the citizens are in tune with their government. They will not put up with any nonsense. They lean conservative, but will pay for things that work. Things work there. The traffic is the only problem with the place, but that problem is huge. Frankly, it worked too well. Everyone wanted to live there. I know it's unbelievable, but true...I swear.
14 years ago

Memo to New Orleans residents:

1. That big blue thing is called an ocean.

2. If you would have to look up to see it, you might want to make flood insurance a priority, and kindly don't blame the government for any decisions they made or didn't make about some wall if you were not smart enough to have aforementioned coverage. If you can't afford to live there, then don't.

3. If you would have to look up to see previously mentioned big blue thing, you might want to get the fuck out of the way of it when a hurricane is coming.

I give you this advice because thanks to your fucking stupidity, along with the stupidity of my fellow Americans, I get to help pay for it, so the least I can do is pass this along, even though you are apparently too fucking stupid to comprehend what is being hinted at...ah-- well--let me break it down to simpler terms:


How stupid are these people?

I factored in hurricanes when I purchased my home. I live in central Pennsylvania. I needed to. That is my big hint, you GD morons! (folk that did not in New Orleans---- and to to the rest of you- I'm still workin' on that whole PC thing. :pottytrain2: )

Rep. John Murtha D- PA just died. Tag him and bag him. Hopefully we get a Republican to replace him. Semper fi, you prick. I'll see you in hell.

"gbguy20" wrote:

Normally i would agree with this, however the people of new orleans were assured their homes would be safe and the levy's were fine. Its not like the city was built on the beach.

"dfosterf" wrote:

Uhh.. It's still a hurricane. And being residents of the city, they also should have been aware that their city resides BELOW sea level. Which means IF those levies break, the city will fill up like a bowl.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
14 years ago

Seeing all the non love for New Orleans, I will staunchly defend New Orleans and strongly believe as a nation it needs to be a priority to save the city. Why? It's the ONLY city in America where a heterosexual man can see a nice pair of college boobies for the price of cheap beads.

New Orleans rules! Save New Orleans.

Oh, and congratulations Saints. I didn't think I'd watch the game but ended up at a friend's house and enjoyed it immensely.

"zombieslayer" wrote:


That's the only 'good' argument FOR Naw'Leans I've seen. lol
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
14 years ago

Memo to New Orleans residents:

1. That big blue thing is called an ocean.

2. If you would have to look up to see it, you might want to make flood insurance a priority, and kindly don't blame the government for any decisions they made or didn't make about some wall if you were not smart enough to have aforementioned coverage. If you can't afford to live there, then don't.

3. If you would have to look up to see previously mentioned big blue thing, you might want to get the fuck out of the way of it when a hurricane is coming.

I give you this advice because thanks to your fucking stupidity, along with the stupidity of my fellow Americans, I get to help pay for it, so the least I can do is pass this along, even though you are apparently too fucking stupid to comprehend what is being hinted at...ah-- well--let me break it down to simpler terms:


How stupid are these people?

I factored in hurricanes when I purchased my home. I live in central Pennsylvania. I needed to. That is my big hint, you GD morons! (folk that did not in New Orleans---- and to to the rest of you- I'm still workin' on that whole PC thing. :pottytrain2: )

Rep. John Murtha D- PA just died. Tag him and bag him. Hopefully we get a Republican to replace him. Semper fi, you prick. I'll see you in hell.

"Formo" wrote:

Normally i would agree with this, however the people of new orleans were assured their homes would be safe and the levy's were fine. Its not like the city was built on the beach.

"gbguy20" wrote:

Uhh.. It's still a hurricane. And being residents of the city, they also should have been aware that their city resides BELOW sea level. Which means IF those levies break, the city will fill up like a bowl.

"dfosterf" wrote:

But these people obviously had some trust that the levies wouldn't break.

That's like Z2C saying that you're not going to be kicked. Then kicks you from the site and then we're going to blame it all on your behaviour. It makes little sense.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
14 years ago

Ah, the only problem with your analysis, Foster, is that you think Pennsylvania is different in its politicians and choice thereof.

Here in Iowa the Republicans are looking to put Terry Branstad forward as their candidate again.....despite his having demonstrated, in his earlier stints, his idiocy.

Our gov'mint also spends an average of $14,000 per employee "showing them how their job works". (National average for state employees is something like $700.)

Don't tell VR and Formo this, but I actually thought Minnesota showed a bit of temporary hope for relative sanity when they elected "The Body" for a term. (Of course they quickly reverted to type.)

"dfosterf" wrote:

My problem is slightly different than that. I am absolutely cursed by having been exposed to (incredible, but true) excellent government. I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone. Many parts of me wish I had never seen such a thing, as it is so deviant from the norm that all else is a source of never-ending frustration.

"Wade" wrote:

Okay, you can't leave me hanging like that. Otherwise I'm going to suspect that you had a "serious bout with hallucinegic drugs" earlier in your life. :)

Now maybe if you want to go all historical and point to, say, Geo. Washington; but you're not that old. "Excellent government" in the last 50 or so years....this example I gotta hear about. :)

"dfosterf" wrote:

Fairfax County, Va 

btw---Since you mentioned him (lol lol lol) George DID live there. lol lol lol

"Wade" wrote:

As did, I believe, George Mason. But not in *your* lifetime. :)

So what makes/made Fairfax County "excellent" in its government in the last 5 decades?

(I'm truly curious here -- I know Fairfax County primarily as the home of George Mason University, one of few places where I might expect to find a fair number of academics sharing my philosophical beliefs/crazinesses, but know next to nothing about those who "govern" it. And how in the heck did they manage to avoid the crap that the rest of us have degenerated into?)

"dfosterf" wrote:

I could write a book about that, but the short and sweet explanation is that the citizens are in tune with their government. They will not put up with any nonsense. They lean conservative, but will pay for things that work. Things work there. The traffic is the only problem with the place, but that problem is huge. Frankly, it worked too well. Everyone wanted to live there. I know it's unbelievable, but true...I swear.

"Wade" wrote:

I was going to suggest that maybe it has to do with the size -- counties being smaller than states or the USA, and so government is "closer" to those it would regulate. But my guess is that Fairfax County has way too many people for that argument to hold water.

Maybe it is the "invisible hands" of Washington, Mason, etc.

I mean, who did Pennsylvania have. That Franklin dude? Bah.

And of course Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota....we've got no decent ghosts of good government to keep us in line.

You should write the book. 🙂
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
14 years ago


That's the only 'good' argument FOR Naw'Leans I've seen. lol

"Formo" wrote:

The thing is, I'm being serious.

I live in San Francisco. It's a gay city. It really is. Every year, gays have their parades and there's plenty of nudity. You know what? More power to them. Seriously.

The problem is, there is NO straight city in the United States of America, other than New Orleans. Yes, I really mean that. There is none.

There is no city where straight people go around and act even half as crazy as the gays do in San Francisco. No, Las Vegas doesn't cut it. Most of the people I see in Vegas I DO NOT want to see nekkid.

New Orleans is it. It's the only one in the whole country.

If I were President of the USA, dead serious, first thing I'd do would be to make Executive Orders and pretty much strike down every single law I saw as Unconstitutional in the book since the Supreme Court refuses to do their job.

The very next thing I do would be to pull out of every foreign entanglement we're in.

The very next thing - save New Orleans. Us straight folk need a city.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
Fan Shout
packerfanoutwest (48m) : too funny
packerfanoutwest (48m) : Lions QB Jared Goff was the offensive MVP
packerfanoutwest (49m) : for the Pro Bowl, which is flag football
Zero2Cool (2h) : Rather, the murder WAS covered up to prevent ...
Zero2Cool (2h) : JFK murder was a cover-up to prevent war with Cuba/Russia.
Martha Careful (1-Feb) : I have always admired the pluck of the man
Zero2Cool (1-Feb) : I remember thinking he was going to be something good.
Mucky Tundra (1-Feb) : The Dualing Banjo!
Zero2Cool (31-Jan) : Jets have named Chris Banjo as their special teams coordinator, Former Packers player
Zero2Cool (31-Jan) : Jaguars have hired Anthony Campanile as their DC. We lose coach
Zero2Cool (30-Jan) : QB coach Sean Mannion
Zero2Cool (30-Jan) : DL Coach DeMarcus Covington
dfosterf (30-Jan) : from ft Belvoir, Quantico and points south. Somber reminder of this tragedy at Reagan Nat Airport
dfosterf (30-Jan) : So eerily quiet here in Alexandria. I live in the flight path of commercial craft coming from the south and west, plus the military craft
dfosterf (30-Jan) : So eeri
Mucky Tundra (30-Jan) : Now that's a thought, maybe they're looking at the college ranks? Maybe not head coaches but DC/assistant DCs with league experience?
beast (30-Jan) : College Coaches wouldn't want that publicly, as it would hurt recruiting and they might not get the job.
beast (30-Jan) : I thought they were supposed to publicly announce them, at least the NFL ones. Hafley was from college, so I believe different rules.
Mucky Tundra (30-Jan) : Who knows who they're interviewing? I mean, nobody knew about Hafley and then out of nowhere he was hired
beast (30-Jan) : I wonder what's taking so long with hiring a DL coach, 2 of the 3 known to interview have already been hired elsewhere.
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Packers coach Matt LaFleur hires Luke Getsy as senior assistant, extends Rich Bisaccia's deal
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Chiefs again huh? I guess another Super Bowl I'll be finding something else to do.
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : Chiefs Eagles...again...sigh
dfosterf (27-Jan) : Happy Birthday Dave!
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : happy birthday dhazer
TheKanataThrilla (26-Jan) : Exactly buck...Washington came up with the ball. It is just a shitty coincidence one week later
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : I forgot, they corrected the call a week later. Lol btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY dhazer!
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : That brings up the question, why wasn't Nixon down by contact? I think that was the point Kanata was making.
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : Turnovers rule, win the turnover battle, win the game.
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : well, he was
TheKanataThrilla (26-Jan) : Eagles down by contact on the fumble....fuck you NFL
Mucky Tundra (26-Jan) : I think this games over
beast (26-Jan) : Eagles sure get a lot of fumbles on kickoffs
Mucky Tundra (26-Jan) : This game looks too big for Washington
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : that being said, The Ravens are the Browns
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : Browns, Dolphins have longest AFC Championship droughts
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : As of today, Cowboys have longest NFC Championship drought,
beast (26-Jan) : Someone pointed out, with Raiders hiring Carroll, the division games between Carroll and Jim Harbaugh are back on (who can whine more games)
beast (26-Jan) : I'm confused, Pete Carroll and Brian Schottenheimer? When Todd Monken, Joe Brady, Kellen Moore, Kliff Kingsbury and Zac Robinson are availab
Zero2Cool (25-Jan) : Any reason I'm catching a shot here about my intelligence?
Martha Careful (25-Jan) : thank you Mucky for sticking up for me
Martha Careful (25-Jan) : some of those people are smarter than you zero. However Pete Carroll is not
Mucky Tundra (24-Jan) : Rude!
beast (24-Jan) : Martha? 😋
Zero2Cool (24-Jan) : Raiders hired someone from the elderly home.
dfosterf (24-Jan) : I'm going with a combination of the two.
beast (24-Jan) : Either the Cowboys have no idea what they're doing, or they're targeting their former OC, currently the Eagles OC
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Fake news. Cowboys say no
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Mystery candidate in the Cowboys head coaching search believed to be Packers ST Coordinator Rich Bisaccia.
beast (23-Jan) : Also why do both NYC teams have absolutely horrible OL for over a decade?
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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10h / Green Bay Packers Talk / Zero2Cool

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29-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / Mucky Tundra

27-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / packerfanoutwest

27-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / beast

25-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / beast

25-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / Martha Careful

25-Jan / Random Babble / Martha Careful

20-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / Martha Careful

20-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / bboystyle

20-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / Zero2Cool

20-Jan / Green Bay Packers Talk / beast

19-Jan / Random Babble / Martha Careful

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