We are becoming a coarser, and more self-serving society as a general rule. To my way of thinking, people, like music, come in two varieties; the decent, and the not decent.
Unfortunately, decency is on the wane, and selfish, "me, me,me" behavior is on th rise. And why wouldn't it? For decades we have put children on pedestals and literally worshipped them as parents, teachers, and society as a whole. Hey, they got the message....loud and clear!
How many households are ruled by the children?
How many marriages suffer because the children come before a healthy and happy relationship between the parents?
How many schools tell every child just how special and precious they are?
Look, in the absence of common-sense parenting that keeps a child's position within the family and society in perspective...which is hard to come by these days and in decades past...children absorb the message...and then act upon that lifelong message as adults.
Thank you baby boomers and the Wodstock generation...your, "if it feels good, do it", message has succeeded in corrupting several generations!
And for what it is worth, I was born in 1963...the last year of the boomers...and could not be more embarrassed by that association.
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"