I've never been such an advocate of changing the NFL's overtime rules. Not until last night. Yes, it was my team that was bitten. Yes, it took some non-objective 'reasoning' to come to this conclusion. But hear me out.
I've always loved the NCAA's rules. Give both teams a shot. Continue until one team has a higher score than the other.
I never really minded the NFL's rules. It's fair enough. No reason to change it.
Until it hit me today at work. Today's NFL is an offensive league. It's VERY well known as such. The rules are even catered for high scoring offenses. So then.. Why hasn't the OT rules changed? The defense is already at an disadvantage.
My 'solution'? I dunno.. Maybe play it like it's another half of NFL football. Call heads/tails, kickoff.. If the offense scores a TD, then they win. If the offensive team kicks a FG, then team B gets the ball at the exact spot that team A started at. If team B scores a TD, they win (via NCAA rules), but if they kick a FG.. then back to team A at original spot.
It's probably has many flaws.. But something like that in this offensive minded league has GOT to be better than the current rules.
So, PackersHome.. what says you? Vote and post reasons/solutions!
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!