Can't we get this thing to Wisconsin? Don't we have any of those Minnesota-style judges?
It was a dumb thing to do. I doubt that they get him, I'm going with a lack of evidence or that friend taking part of the blame, but if they do, this might be the end of Jolly (in GB).
"Rockmolder" wrote:
There is a possibility for some fancy legal wrangling...Even in Texas.
Rock- You are probably unfamiliar with the differences between states, but as the comedian Ron White put it--- "While those pinkos in places like Massachusetts are outlawing the death penalty, here in Texas we're putting in an express lane."
I don't remember Jolly or his attorney asking for a continuance...I could be wrong, as I know it DID get delayed, but I thought it was Texas doing the delaying...
My point?
IF Jolly never waived his right (by asking for a continuance) the statutes (as shitty as they are in Texas--see death penalty reference) protecting a defendant against an unreasonable delay might (possibly)get him off, or give him a good avenue to string it out to keep playing through legal wrangling. Legal wrangling to US Supreme court could take YEARS--irony in that, lol We have this pesky thing called the Constitution (Not applicable in Minnesota...home cookin' trumps... FAIL)....
The 6th amendment gives everyone a right to a speedy trial. The law in Texas defines speedy as 6 months in the case of a felony.
In Mass-- They probably would tell the prosecution tough-titty on not being up to speed on your new machine, case dismissed
In Texas--- Sure, Mr prosecutor, would you like the court to help train your people? lol
funny, but not far off--philosophies-wise