MM's play calling? lol,what a joke! every opening drive he runs on first down which always fails,calls a throw play that isnt tend to go further then 3 yards,and then(if we arent penalized for holding) he calls a predictable throw play that has all our WR's covered for the most part which leads to a sack or incompletion..Now if we tend to get a penalty on 3rd down and its 3rd and long,he calls a stupid draw play which doesnt fool anyone at all...then on certain plays he throws when we should run and runs when we should throw...seriously,even all the crap i just wrote is mostly true,the one thing that pisses me off the most about MM's play calling is his lack to use the TRUE West Coast Offense like he did in 2007...i mean when's the last time we threw those quick slants and let our talented WR's do the work? MM has Rodgers bombing it for some weird reason...Our screen plays have been working alot this year and makes up for a lack of running game yet we rarely use them...Our TE's are open for the most part yet we dont use designed plays to get them in the game as much as we should..This offense has no limits but MM's play calling makes it seem like we have limits...