16 years ago

I want to know why he would have to apologize? He has to apologize for playing all the years for them, taking pay cuts to resign players, helping the team with revenue from all of the merchandise that was sold with his likeness on it?

"bozz_2006" wrote:

I'm not here to argue, but you have to admit that Brett himself made a couple bucks from all the merchandise that was sold with his likeness on it.... it's a pretty big stretch to say he did that for the team.

"dhazer" wrote:

I don't believe players receive royalties from team sold merchandise. He does make money off of signed item but then pays royalties to nfl for the merchandise he signed.
"Let Your Light Shine!"
16 years ago

So tell me this if he was to make 9 million one year but he redoes his contract and makes only 7 million thats not a paycut? they added on years which meant we would have him for cheaper ( people said the same thing about signing Rodgers this year or if you wait then you might have to pay more). Did he not offer to pay Randy Moss's contract if Ted Thompson got him? But then again the people saying he never did are probably to young to remember how he would do it to sign the likes of Butler.

"Zero2Cool" wrote:

Whether he got those millions this year or later, he still go the money. Thus, it is called a restructured contract, not a pay cut. That's not taking anything away from what he did. It was very admirable no matter how you perceive it. Not a whole lot of players do that. It was a very unselfish thing to do for the better of the team.

"dhazer" wrote:

Deferring pay a year or two or three is a paycut.

Look at the lottery. you have two choices, 55mil now or 100mil in 5 mil a year over the next 20 years. which do you want?

Time value of money shows that I will have more than you if I take the 55 now.

If Favre was to make 10 mil this year and deferred it JUST ONE YEAR. and only took 7 this year and three next year, at 5% return (taxable equal of muni bonds) he is giving up 150k in interest alone. Now, say he invests and is able to get a better return that easily can double. Long term, it means millions with the counpounding of the interest.

How many of you would take 20 percent less this year and get it over the next three years instead?
"Let Your Light Shine!"
16 years ago

Brett Favre was an arrogant idiot who didn't even know what the Nickel defense until he met Mike Holmgren.

He was a second-round draft choice by the Atlanta Falcons who threw multiple interceptions. Ron Wolf looked like an idiot trading a first round pick for him.

As we all know, the risk was worth it.

Then Favre partied it up too much and almost lost his family due to his negligence.

After that, he became the player we all loved.

We've given Brett Favre way too many chances, yet he thinks he's in the position to force our GM to do whatever the hell he wants him to do. He retired and wanted to come back in the middle of a change at QB.

He wanted to be traded to an NFC North Rival so he could beat us.

If you can't admit all that, read his freakin' book. And if you're not into reading the book, you were never really a Favre fan.

"blueleopard" wrote:

Is that your personal opinion?

I drank with him and his college buddies one night in Milwaukee following one of his first games as the starter for GB. Really nice, shy guy. Very polite. Called me "sir" even though I am only 8 yrs older than him. I would hardly call him arrogant.

I had lunch with him a couple of years ago and he had the same disposition. Very polite, self efacing, and humble. Confident, but never thought too much of himself.
"Let Your Light Shine!"
16 years ago
Yaaaay, another thread defending Favre and arguing minor points. What a surprise to see Tripp involved in such a thread.


Next thread please.
16 years ago

Yaaaay, another thread defending Favre and arguing minor points. What a surprise to see Tripp involved in such a thread.


Next thread please.

"doddpower" wrote:

You don't need to agree with my points but I would think you would respect the right to counterpoint ANY point.

I just don't think Favre is the Villian that he is made out to be here. It is ok for soemone to call him an arrogant idiot, however apparently in your "highly esteemed" opinion, it is boring to have an opinion of one of the few who can actually say they have encountered him personally.
"Let Your Light Shine!"
16 years ago

I just don't think Favre is the Villian that he is made out to be here. It is ok for soemone to call him an arrogant idiot, however apparently in your "highly esteemed" opinion, it is boring to have an opinion of one of the few who can actually say they have encountered him personally.

"Trippster" wrote:


Do not leave me hanging here. I think this is so cool.

When you had lunch with him a few years ago, how many people were at the table with you and Brett? Were there other players there?

Where did you guys have lunch? How did you get to have lunch with him?

I am waiting like a 10 year old child on Christmas for the details.

That is so cool.

""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."
16 years ago

Brett Favre was an arrogant idiot who didn't even know what the Nickel defense until he met Mike Holmgren.

He was a second-round draft choice by the Atlanta Falcons who threw multiple interceptions. Ron Wolf looked like an idiot trading a first round pick for him.

As we all know, the risk was worth it.

Then Favre partied it up too much and almost lost his family due to his negligence.

After that, he became the player we all loved.

We've given Brett Favre way too many chances, yet he thinks he's in the position to force our GM to do whatever the hell he wants him to do. He retired and wanted to come back in the middle of a change at QB.

He wanted to be traded to an NFC North Rival so he could beat us.

If you can't admit all that, read his freakin' book. And if you're not into reading the book, you were never really a Favre fan.

"Trippster" wrote:

Is that your personal opinion?

I drank with him and his college buddies one night in Milwaukee following one of his first games as the starter for GB. Really nice, shy guy. Very polite. Called me "sir" even though I am only 8 yrs older than him. I would hardly call him arrogant.

I had lunch with him a couple of years ago and he had the same disposition. Very polite, self efacing, and humble. Confident, but never thought too much of himself.

"blueleopard" wrote:

Tripps comments are very accurate about Brett. Brett was more accurately described as confident than arrogant. His mindset was that of which all quarterbacks need. A short one. If you worry about throwing a pass into coverage again because the last time it was picked you won't make it as far as he did. In some respects some will see that as arrogance, but its not arrogant. It's not that he didn't care. It was because it was what he had to be. It comes from being coached at the youngest level.

Forget the bad plays and go for the big plays.
16 years ago

Yaaaay, another thread defending Favre and arguing minor points. What a surprise to see Tripp involved in such a thread.


Next thread please.

"Trippster" wrote:

You don't need to agree with my points but I would think you would respect the right to counterpoint ANY point.

I just don't think Favre is the Villian that he is made out to be here. It is ok for soemone to call him an arrogant idiot, however apparently in your "highly esteemed" opinion, it is boring to have an opinion of one of the few who can actually say they have encountered him personally.

"doddpower" wrote:

That's cool that you knew him personally, but I'm just overall tired of all the Brett "debates." I've been hearing them for months and months and these "debates" are just the same ole thing over and other again. It's not you personally, it just gets old. There are a TON of things for fans of the Packers to be talking about, but yet 80% or more of the conversation is still about Brett Favre, whom is no longer a Packer.

I understand he is a special player, but still. The same ole stuff just gets old, off season or not.
16 years ago

Brett Favre was an arrogant idiot who didn't even know what the Nickel defense until he met Mike Holmgren.

He was a second-round draft choice by the Atlanta Falcons who threw multiple interceptions. Ron Wolf looked like an idiot trading a first round pick for him.

As we all know, the risk was worth it.

Then Favre partied it up too much and almost lost his family due to his negligence.

After that, he became the player we all loved.

We've given Brett Favre way too many chances, yet he thinks he's in the position to force our GM to do whatever the hell he wants him to do. He retired and wanted to come back in the middle of a change at QB.

He wanted to be traded to an NFC North Rival so he could beat us.

If you can't admit all that, read his freakin' book. And if you're not into reading the book, you were never really a Favre fan.

"Zero2Cool" wrote:

Is that your personal opinion?

I drank with him and his college buddies one night in Milwaukee following one of his first games as the starter for GB. Really nice, shy guy. Very polite. Called me "sir" even though I am only 8 yrs older than him. I would hardly call him arrogant.

I had lunch with him a couple of years ago and he had the same disposition. Very polite, self efacing, and humble. Confident, but never thought too much of himself.

"Trippster" wrote:

Tripps comments are very accurate about Brett. Brett was more accurately described as confident than arrogant. His mindset was that of which all quarterbacks need. A short one. If you worry about throwing a pass into coverage again because the last time it was picked you won't make it as far as he did. In some respects some will see that as arrogance, but its not arrogant. It's not that he didn't care. It was because it was what he had to be. It comes from being coached at the youngest level.

Forget the bad plays and go for the big plays.

"blueleopard" wrote:

If you're gonna retire, decide to come back months later and expect the same job--you've gotta be pretty arrogant.

If you want to be traded to a team within in the same division to prove that you can beat your old team--not only are you arrogant, but you're an idiot.

Brett taking all those pain killers? Idiotic. Risking the loss of his family because of his over-the-top drinking and partying? Idiotic. Leading the league in all-time interceptions? Idiotic.

But my point wasn't really talking about his arrogance and idiocy, but the fact that he owes more to Green Bay than Green Bay owes to him. Like I said, Wolf gave Brett -- a nobody at the time -- his one shot. Holmgren had just about enough of him, but he gave him one more shot. That's where the legend was made.

Brett's public dispute with Ted Thompson makes him look like as much of an ass as Javon Walker and Darren Sharper.
Danreb Victorio A Believer of Greg Jennings
16 years ago

If you're gonna retire, decide to come back months later and expect the same job--you've gotta be pretty arrogant.

"blueleopard" wrote:

I contemplate my future and where I am heading often, sometimes I made a decision, say this past week an investment in these rough economic times which restricted my cash flow. However upon reflection this weekend, I came to the decision that the investment is too risky, I am not comfortable with it completely now and am going to pull out this week.

Does this make me arrogant because I think I can just pull my money back out and deposit back into savings?

It may seem arrogant to you in your prespective, but compound it into something tangible for yourself and it sheds a different light upon it.

I can relate to a sort because the game I loved to play was forcely taken away from me.. there isn't a single day I don't play the "what if" game. If there was someway I could play again.. I probably would risk a ton to do so. I am an competition and football addict.. it really isn't that far of a stretch to see why he flipped on his decision.

None of it was arrogant driven, IMO.

Now the way both he and Thompson, both have blame, handled the whole situation was a pathetic display of communication and conflict resolution. The thing is, the Packers learned from the situation and probably have moved on already, less direct emotional investment on their parts, they say goodbye to players all the time.

On Brett's side, it was a more committed emotional relationship with the team, teammates and fans.. he struggled in dealing with the parting.. I don't see that as arrogant either.

Brett is human, he allowed his emotion to cloud his decision making and allowed those emotions to drive his decision making.. many people make that same mistake.. most divorces are probably driven on such a principle.

I don't possess ill feelings towards either side, you can see the way it played out even without the exact details and noted conversations.

Seeing Brett with Christopher upon the sidelines on CF wish.... arrogant never entered my mind.

I just don't think Favre is the Villian that he is made out to be here. It is ok for soemone to call him an arrogant idiot.

"Trippster" wrote:

If ones strips the emotion of the past year away, look at the entire body of work that Brett and his family projected upon the community of Green Bay and Northeastern Wisconsin, one would never use arrogant and Brett in the same sentence.

Over Emotional... hell yeah.

Confident and possessing an ego.. yes.

Compulsive... I seen him downtown and at his brothers bar the Broke Spoke in the early 90's.. yes at least then he was very compulsive in nature.. nothing more than any other college aged or mid twenties red blooded American male..

For those that have spent time with him, somewhat shy and reserved, very mindful of his company and respectful as all get out... and from what some say, highly intelligent, even though he never wanted that reveiled.

Just as some over praised him, there are going to be some that want to tear him apart currently.. fueled on emotion.. and just as Brett displayed last offseason.. when emotion is the driver, rational decision making and patience are not readily available.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
Fan Shout
buckeyepackfan (3h) : Sorry 13 mil guaranteed.
buckeyepackfan (3h) : Aaron Jones resigns with The Vikings. 2yr 20mil, 12mil guaranteed.
Zero2Cool (3h) : Adams preffered west coast.
buckeyepackfan (3h) : DeShaun Watson wants a new deal! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
buckeyepackfan (3h) : Josh Allen extension includes 250mil in GUARANTEED money!
buckeyepackfan (3h) : Metcalf traded to The Steelers. Every year I forget this is Misinformation time. Have to quit listening to "The talking heads" 😀
dhazer (4h) : or do we tell them we take metcalf you take alexander lol
dhazer (4h) : I am curious about if we waste money on Metcalf he isn't worth $30 million a year
dhazer (4h) : Adams is going to a good team and gets to play indoors majority of the time can't blame him and isn't he from Fresno?
Zero2Cool (5h) : Rams land Adams of Davante fame.
Martha Careful (6h) : it's funny how guys who are so desperate to play for championships, at least so they say, just take the money.
Mucky Tundra (7h) : Semantics ;)
Zero2Cool (7h) : They didn't return. They didn't even leave! ;-)
Mucky Tundra (8h) : Crosby and Garrett return to their respective teams; truckloads of $$$ solved any problems they had
dhazer (11h) : Russell Wilson will be back in Seattle as a bridge
Zero2Cool (12h) : Bills are releasing pass rusher Von Miller, per sources.
Zero2Cool (12h) : From trade to truce and beyond: the Browns and Myles Garrett reached agreement today on a record contract extension that averages $40m
TheKanataThrilla (8-Mar) : I could actually see Seattle inquiring about Willis.
TheKanataThrilla (8-Mar) : If we took a flyer on a QB, I like Kyle McCord out of Syaracuse. Keep Willis definitely, but don't turn down a good trade.
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : RB Kareem Hunt as well
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Tyreek Hill also arrested before or during Chiefs time for assault.
Martha Careful (8-Mar) : Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Xavier Worthy was arrested for assault. They are now even more likely to supplement the WR position
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : So weak I had to say it twice!
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : But it feels like a weak QB draft class
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : But it feels like a weak QB draft class
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : I suppose that puts Seattle in play for a QB in the 1st round this year
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : Gotta say, didn't see Geno getting traded from the Seahawks
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Breer: Seahawks offered the Raiders Geno Smith and DK Metcalf for EDGE Maxx Crosby; Raiders "quickly" declined.
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : It has 2019 Packers schedule.. yeah, I be slowly coding haha
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Finally got the 'new' PackersHome online...
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Nice work Seahawks!
dhazer (8-Mar) : wow Geno Smith to the Raiders for a 3rd rounder
Zero2Cool (6-Mar) : Good deal too
Martha Careful (6-Mar) : Maxx Crosby resigned by Raiders
Zero2Cool (6-Mar) : Chargers release Joey Bosa
Zero2Cool (4-Mar) : Appears Jets released Adams. It'll be official in few hours.
Zero2Cool (3-Mar) : We have re-signed LB Isaiah McDuffie
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Jets taking calls for Davante Adams. That $38m cap number hurting lol
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Guess it's not official until the 12th
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Deebo went for a 5th to Commanders?
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : Just like my late husband!!
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Once fired up, it should be good
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Sometimes, the first page load will be slow. it's firing up the site.
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : The site is operating much faster...tyvm
Mucky Tundra (28-Feb) : It's the offseason and the draft is still nearly 2 months away, what can ya do?🤷‍♂️
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : NFL teams were notified today that the 2025 salary cap has been set at $279,200,000 per club.
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : sssllllooooow
Martha Careful (27-Feb) : is it just me, or has the website been slow the last couple of days?
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Damnit 2026 2nd rnd pick!
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Packers get Myles Garret and Browns 2926 2nd rnd pick.
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2024 Packers Schedule
Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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