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3 years ago

As time has rolled by I keep thinking, if Aaron was to be involved in the decision making process, fine. Let him resign as QB. Give back the money he was paid to be the starting QB on the team and send his application in to be a subordinate to the GM. (Probably starting as a scout.) and work his way up the organizational chain. He needs to prove along the way that he is capable of evaluating talent.

Originally Posted by: wpr 

Aaron has said he does not want to make those decisions. And if I infer on his other comments, he just wants a voice at the table, not the deciding voice. People take this as meaning he wants to be the GM or what not. That's not it at all -- again, based off Aaron's own words. He just wants the OPPORTUNITY to go to bat for guys who he feels will help the team win. We have to keep in perspective that he's the leader of the team. He's in the locker room, the GM and coaches aren't as in tune. Lots of guys lead by example and in the moment and aren't the rah-rah get in front of the camera type. Think of Mike Daniels. That dude talked like Tarzan and played like Jane.
3 years ago
JJ thinks Aaron will show up. 

“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
3 years ago

JJ thinks Aaron will show up. 

Originally Posted by: nerdmann 

You didn't even listen to the few minutes where James Jones spoke. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
3 years ago
So....:if Rodgers wants a “say” in decisions. Won’t he still be just as pissed off if the FO doesn’t do what HE wants?
One big reason why the Packers have to let aging vets go is that they tend to get the most money. And there’s just so much to go around. Like I have said before, Rodgers has made a boatload of money already. If he wants a say in who stays or who goes, how about he take a pay cut so the team can afford to keep some of his loved ones?
3 years ago
I don't believe this rift has anything to do with Rodgers looking for more input on players or even about Jordon Love.
Aaron Rodgers envisioned retiring as a Packer, however, at some point he got the impression the FO had other plans. Now he wants to stick it to them in a "how do you dare think about moving me before I'm ready" play.. After all, in the few words he has spoken, he said winning the MVP "threw a kink in their plans." I say this because of all the speculation about "why" this is the only thing I have heard that would piss me off a whole lot as well. Maybe not enough to walk away but it would piss me off.
If this is all true than it's understandable why it has not been resolved and may not happen. What can the FO say to make this better. "yeah, you got me on that one?" It's like getting caught cheating. Those relationship do not generally end well.

I get the Front Offices position. Their job is to look into the future and do what's best for the team. Rodgers wasn't exactly great in '18, ok in '19, and there was this little issue with being in cap hell. How do you tell a guy this especially when at the time it was an option being thrown around and not set in stone? My conspiracy theory, since everyone has one, is that Arod sensed that while the Packers were being nice they had one had on his back leading to the door but when he had the MVP season he's taken that hand and is twisting it till it hurts. So now the waiting game continues to see if he can get passed it...or not. Oh well, as they say, at times the best laid plans go awry.
"The train is leaving the station."
3 years ago
That’s the job of the FO! To be prepared to put a new guy into whatever position on the TEAM when a player looks to be losing it.
Why did it take Rodgers realizing that he’s MAYBE in the position of being shown the door to get him to play at a MVP level? He finally started doing what MLF wanted him to do with the offense, and he flourished. The year before, he seemed to be fighting it and he wasn’t that great. Had he not been so into himself, maybe he would have had a MVP season in 2019 as well, and not looked liked the Packers better be preparing for the next QB in line.
And fact is, other then 2010, he hasn’t played great in NFC title games. He’s had his chances, and mostly hasn’t got it done. Especially in the last one. Brady gave up 3 INTs, and Rodgers couldn’t get it done. That’s on him.
Now we seem to have a few of the previously missing pieces on our D on the team, and Amari Rodgers on offense.
So Rodgers has a chance to get another shot at a RING. If he can get his huge EGO to let his poor hurt feelings go, and get his rear end into Green Bay.
His best shot at a SB is here.
If he doesn’t realize that, he’s an idiot. And it’s not like he isn’t paid well enough.
The guy can’t even get along with his family. Some day his parents will be gone, and he most likely will regret his pigheaded attitude.
I’d give anything if I could spend one more day with my Mom and Dad. My Mom has been gone 31 years, my Dad 47 years.
I hope Rodgers wakes up and doesn’t have to go through that.
Fan Shout
beast (1h) : I was rooting for the Bears to win and hurt their draft pick status
Zero2Cool (1h) : Forgot there was even a game last night haha
TheKanataThrilla (1h) : That was terrible.
TheKanataThrilla (1h) : Watching that game in its entirety yesterday is proof positive that I am a football addict.
beast (2h) : And horrible time management multiple times... and not being able to score more than 3 points on a team with talent
beast (2h) : Realizing the Bears didn't fix it from the previous week and do the same thing, getting the game to overtime
beast (2h) : They probably are not tanking, but they've absolutely mismanagement some things, such as Vikings seeing the Packers blocked FG and realizing
Zero2Cool (3h) : Crazy of Bears to have that mindset that is
Zero2Cool (3h) : Hail Mary stop away from 5 - 2. Not sure how that flips to tanking. Crazy mindset if true
beast (3h) : I've quietly questioned if Bears are tanking on purpose... they suddenly got a lot worse with some simple concepts like 101 clock management
wpr (5h) : Watching bares fans melt down over how putrid their team is, so enjoyable. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Mucky Tundra (13h) : The Seattle Seahawks defeat the Chicago Bears 6-3. Jason Myers had 6 RBIs for Seattle while Cairo Santos had 3 RBI for Chicago
beast (14h) : Not nessarily, he might of been injured either way. He's playing about 50% of the games the last 4 years
Zero2Cool (20h) : If they'd been more patient with him, he'd be back already. Putting him out there vs Bears caused him to tweak it and here we are.
packerfanoutwest (20h) : well this is his last season with the PAck, book it
beast (21h) : Sounds like no Alexander (again), I'm wondering if his time with the Packers is done
Zero2Cool (26-Dec) : Could ban beast and I still don't think anyone catches him.
Mucky Tundra (26-Dec) : Houston getting dog walked by Baltimore
packerfanoutwest (25-Dec) : Feliz Navidad!
Zero2Cool (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas!
beast (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
beast (24-Dec) : Sounds like no serious injuries from the Saints game and Jacobs and Watson should play in the Vikings game
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : both games Watson missed, Packers won
Martha Careful (24-Dec) : I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!
Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Oh I know about Jacobs, I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to mimic Zero lol
buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : Jacobs was just sat down, Watson re-injured that knee that kept him out 1 game earlier
buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : I needed .14 that's. .14 points for the whole 4th quarter to win and go to the SB. Lol
Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Jacobs gonna be OK???
Zero2Cool (24-Dec) : Watson gonna be OK???
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : Inactives tonight for the Pack: Alexander- knee Bullard - ankle Williams - quad Walker -ankle Monk Heath
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : No Jaire, but hopefully the front 7 destroys the line of scrimmage & forces Rattler into a few passes to McKinney.
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : minny could be #1 seed and the Lions #5 seed
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : We'd have same Division and Conference records. Strength of schedule we edge them
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I just checked. What tie breaker?
bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes its possible but unlikely. If we do get the 5th, we face the NFCS winner
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : Ahh, ok.
bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes due to tie breaker
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I mean, unlikely, yes, but mathematically, 5th is possible by what I'm reading.
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : If Vikings lose out, Packers win out, Packers get 5th, right?
bboystyle (23-Dec) : Minny isnt going to lose out so 5th seed is out of the equation. We are playing for the 6th or 7th seed which makes no difference
Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, the ad revenue goes to the broadcast company but they gotta pay to air the game on their channel/network
beast (23-Dec) : If we win tonight the game is still relative in terms of 5th, 6th or 7th seed... win and it's 5th or 6th, lose and it's 6th or 7th
beast (23-Dec) : Mucky, I thought the ad revenue went to the broadcasting companies or the NFL, at least not directly
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I think the revenue share is moot, isn't it? That's the CBA an Salary Cap handling that.
bboystyle (23-Dec) : i mean game becomes irrelevant if we win tonight. Just a game where we are trying to play spoilers to Vikings chance at the #1 seed
Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, I would guess ad revenue from more eyes watching tv
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I would think it would hurt the home team because people would have to cancel last minute maybe? i dunno
beast (23-Dec) : I agree that it's BS for fans planning on going to the game. But how does it bring in more money? I'm guessing indirectly?
packerfanoutwest (23-Dec) : bs on flexing the game....they do it for the $$league$$, not the hometown fans
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I see what you did there Mucky
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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