I saw where someone brought this point up, and I thought it was an interesting point.
In the 1st quarter, CB Alexander hit the ball carrier and seemed to make them fumble the ball, but the refs ruled he was down on the field. The Packers challenged that the ball carrier fumbled the ball... the refs ruled that replay clearly showed that the ball carrier DID fumble the ball... (but "no clear recovery").
But... the refs DID change the call on the field to match what the Packers officially challenged... so didn't they technical win that challenge? Even if they don't get the ball, they challenged the refs for missing a fumble, and the refs admitted to it... so technically, they won, and no timeout should have been taken away.
Of course the head of the NFL refs, disagrees, claiming based on NFL rule there must be a turnover as well... or the Packers lose... (but he's said things that all the other high profile refs have disagreed with, so even if he's technical right in this case, I don't trust him)
For example, when he says there was not clear recovery, watch in that above video that Sullivan covers it, and then hands it to the refs in the below video