Sub par play was pretty well spread out through the top paid 10 or 12 players on the roster. Out of Cobb, Mathews, Bakhitiari, Daniels, Adams, Bulaga, Graham, Perry, Taylor, Linsley,and Crosby, I can really only give Bak, Adams, and Linsley, passing grades.
When only three guys out of the top paid players taking up over 60% of the cap are earning their keep you have a problem and it's more than one guy.
It's a given to have any chance Rodgers has to play a lot better but Gute has to decide if he has the confidence in these other guys or if some need to go. Cutting ties with Bulaga and Tramon Williams would free up another $11,800,000. I like both of these guys but I like Breeland better and Bryan can never stay on the field. I don't know what they do with Graham and Perry with the cap hits that would mean.
Tough decisions lie ahead but they have some money and draft picks to get better and that's more than you can say for the Bears or even the Vikes who have hardly any cap space at all. Recapturing the North is not that big of a stretch, however, Murphy, Gute, and the staff need to hit the trifecta with regards to HC, FA, and, the draft.
I cannot remember an off season with so many moving parts and I've been a fan for a loooooong time. Kind of exciting and very scary all in one knowing what happens in the next 6 months may very well define where this team goes for years to come.
"The train is leaving the station."