They're pricier (~$20 for 40-60 hour burn candles) but if strong-scented candles are their thing, Archipelago Botanicals has some great candles.
Tools, I'm always a big fan of quality and would suggest getting a smaller number of higher quality tools. Until my dog chewed the handles on a couple up as a puppy, I had a set of screwdrivers that just said "CHINA" on them that lasted moderate to heavy use for a good 20 years. The better the tool, the easier for the job it'll be and the longer it'll last. And if you want to get people interested in home improvement and fixing things themselves - make it easy for them. Nothing's more frustrating than a shitty screwdriver that starts stripping on you after a few uses.
Liquor, no real suggestions beyond pairing some liquors that make a cocktail. I've been all about Negronis lately - not sure if Campari comes in the sampler bottles though. If beer would work too though, I'm a big fan of Innis & Gunn (In order, the rum aged, original, wheat, bourbon aged, IPA, and scotch barrel aged). Lakefront Brewery has a Winter Lager that's brandy barrel aged that's pretty fantastic, tastes almost like a really thick tripel. Not sure if you can get it outside of WI though. I've personally spotted it in Wausau at a few places and in Milwaukee (Consumer Beverage in Hales Corners). Careful though, it's 13.9%