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  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

I don't see them continuing to conduct airstrikes against the "rebels" as really being retaliation. Its not like they were not doing it before the Tomahawks strike. You say Russia wasn't going to let them do it again. Russia could have stopped them from doing it in the first place. So now after two chemical attacks for certain, what gives you so much faith that Russia would do different next time?

I ask you the same question, what should we be doing? Wiping our hands of the matter? Should we be strictly enforcing a no fly zone over civilian populations to protect them. Should we snipe Assad and his family so nobody is left to take over for him? Should we make a new parking lot in Syria.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

The retaliation I spoke of was when Assad did 24 conventional bombing runs on the town that was the butt of the sarin attack and dropped white phosphorus on civilians in other areas. Civilians that were already engaged in a civil war w/ Assad before ISIS made itself known. History has taught most of us that when the US says to a Syrian or a Russian, "don't do this [followed by a sanction or military strike];" Russia or Syria will ALWAYS defy the instruction and do what you've forbidden them to do, hopefully just once.

Russia is extremely conscious of their international reputation. There was no need to use chemical weapons, when conventional ones do just as good a job. Had Syria informed Russia their intention to use Sarin; you can bet Russia would have stopped it. I'm shocked Assad didn't retaliate with sarin after the T'Hawk strike; no doubt Russia influenced the decision to drop phosphorus instead of sarin.

Here's what ya do:

If Assad drops sarin, you use political and economic leverage over Iran, Russian and/or Syria so they don use it anymore. Right now ya got Turkey Russia and Iran helping Syria kill ISIS. Why do we have to be involved anyway. We can offer or if asked we assist, but we don't use US planes to drop another bomb an a Arab city.
7 years ago
I have absolutely no worry about North Korea attacking one of our ships. First the would more than likely fail, and second Jung-un would be gone before he could blink. And China would either stand by and watch or more likely join in on the fun.

Diplomacy has been proven not to work with North Korea.

Jung-un is another person who should have their head exploded from a mile out.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
7 years ago

Except I never said that.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

You said how you didn't want a white Christian leadership, right? Because we "hate"(maybe that;s too strong of a word for what you meant, maybe "really dislike" fits what you mean better) certain people?
That's what I got from what you said. We discriminate against certain groups. Am I understanding you wrong?
Maybe you purposely didn't come right out and say it, but it's what you meant I believe.

Correct me and say straight out what you meant, so I can understand you better.
7 years ago

That's easy: Not what Trump is doing!!!!!!

They're antagonizing Kim Jung-un; and he could easily fire and sink some of those ships; then whatchya gonna do...LOL

You have to imagine Florida being a separate country occupied by some nutjob with the largest army in the world, 3x the size of US army [including paramilitary], and 4th largest standing army, who has nukes and bizillions of chemical weapons pointed at DC, Atlanta, Philly, Nashville etc. Then some orange deranged buffoon, who is destroying servers that possess googles of environmental research that cost billions to accumulate over the years, is threatening to invade/nuke. Jung-un will not go down alone; he'll take as many out as possible. Atlanta [10M people of Seoul in my hypothetical] will be obliterated in minutes.

China will not let you nuke N. Korea because the fallout will destroy/harm vast amounts of China. China will not let Trump invade; if he does either, China will no doubt retaliate. Just like we would do everything in our power to stop the Orange baboon from antagonizing or nuking or invading our hypothetical Florida neighbor.

The same fears consumed America with Russia 30-70 years ago. Being mean and nasty and threatening did nothing but cause a cold war that led to us being one spark from destruction several times. We sometimes worked to destroy ourselves over Communism [see McCarthy hearings]. And now we look back on that and think; they were so silly. The People believed that Russia's goal was to install communism all over the world.

How about treating Jung-Un like an equal. Foster a relationship, let's be mutually financially defendant on one another. What did Reagan say, "Mr Gorbechev, tear down that wall." Its not hard at all.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

"Antagonizing" Kim Jung-un????
Yeah.....ignoring him (and his looney tunes father) really stabilized things, didn't it? Maybe If Obama would have taken a stance against that whacko 8 years back, he wouldn't be the nut with his finger on the button he is now.
So what exactly are we to do? Allow him to fire off test nukes until he decides to fire off REAL ones?

I guess we should do that with all animals. Let them get weapons, and not hold them accountable and "whistle in the grave yard", HOPING they will be "nice guys".
That's really worked in the past, hasn't it?
There were many that didn't want us involved in WW2. They told us to "mind our own business".
Had we done that, Hitler would have destroyed and taken over Europe, and maybe eventually the United States.
7 years ago

You don't want immigration because they will not vote Republican and that would make your gerrymandering more difficult.

If you wanted to eliminate waste, you wouldn't allow tax welfare to the wealthy and you would scale back the War Machine. Reform in welfare is necessary, but we need to give more help to the poor.

Your party wants to end Social Security and renege on the government's commitment to the people it has been stealing from since SS's inception.

The Republicans are the party of scare tactics, own your racism, and start treating ALL people with respect. That's all we ask for. And it is you and Cheesey that are the delusionoids in this forum.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Wow....there is so much untruth in what you say, where do I start?
I don't mind immigration at all, and have stated so. What I want is LEGAL immigration. People coming here, obeying the laws on the books, and becoming citizens. Is that so terrible?
And tax welfare for the rich....another liberal mainstay that is said over and over, with NO proof. Yeah....we HATE the poor! What a load of crap.
And stealing from SS??? REALLY??? "My" party wasn't in control for the last 8 years. What "great" saving of SS was done under Obama?
And "scare tactics"? Isn't that ALL you and your party do?
"They HATE the poor! They will take away your social security! They are RACISTS! They hate ANYONE of color!"
All you do is spread things that are NOT true. Your party tells you WHAT to think, not HOW to think for yourself. So you blindly spread your party's hatred, and believe without question anything they tell you.
But we are the party of scare tactics? You can't see that that is ALL you constantly do?

The pot calling the kettle black.

  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

"Antagonizing" Kim Jung-un????
Yeah.....ignoring him (and his looney tunes father) really stabilized things, didn't it? Maybe If Obama would have taken a stance against that whacko 8 years back, he wouldn't be the nut with his finger on the button he is now.
So what exactly are we to do? Allow him to fire off test nukes until he decides to fire off REAL ones?

I guess we should do that with all animals. Let them get weapons, and not hold them accountable and "whistle in the grave yard", HOPING they will be "nice guys".
That's really worked in the past, hasn't it?
There were many that didn't want us involved in WW2. They told us to "mind our own business".
Had we done that, Hitler would have destroyed and taken over Europe, and maybe eventually the United States.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

"take a stance"? WTF does that mean.

Again if you were a little country would you not want nukes to protect yourself? Now explain how we stop him from getting nukes. He's gonna get them eventually, if ya use sanctions. So you either negotiate, invade or nuke.

Tell me how you would stop him?! And whatever Obama could have done; it would have been easier for Bush to do it right?

Any move you made 8 years ago would have resulted in gas and maybe nuke attacks all over the area; we have allies in Japan and S. Korea, how about them?

PS: remember whatever you do is right on China's doorstep; you might have to stave off a Chinese invasion of the US or a launch of their tactical nukes. Maybe China sends a measured message like we did at Shayrat, but measured to them is to nuke one insignificant little shit "non-diverse" town, like Green Bay, WI. Does the US suck it up or end the world?

And the Hitler thing is Apples and Oranges; we'll go here when someone invades?
  • Barfarn
  • Senior Member Topic Starter
7 years ago

I have absolutely no worry about North Korea attacking one of our ships. First the would more than likely fail, and second Jung-un would be gone before he could blink. And China would either stand by and watch or more likely join in on the fun.

Diplomacy has been proven not to work with North Korea.

Jung-un is another person who should have their head exploded from a mile out.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

You might be right about diplomacy; but not sure how much effort has been made. What if we gave him Rodman.

The rest is fanciful delusion. Kill Jung-un and a guy even worse like Pence would takeover.
7 years ago

Your posts prove my point. Previous you claim republicans don't want immigration but your ideas about us contradict each other. You claim how we love corporations, well corporations love immigrants because they can pay them less. So which is it? In reality Republicans are very much for immigration LEGALLY. That is the part democrats like you fail to comprehend. We say we want to crack down on ILLEGAL immigration, you do your normal twist to promote division in saying we hate all immigration, or that we hate Mexicans.

Social programs. We want to eliminate Waste and Abuse of the systems, which would actually benefit the poor that actually need it. But again, people like you have to claim we hate the poor, even though it has been proven that republicans give more even after all the taxes that are taken out.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

Legal immigration is just your excuse to keep people of color from entering. You don't want them here, period. This is afterall a white, Christian nation. 🙄 Here's a little nugget for you, this country was, is, and always will be fueled on cheap immigrant labor.

For Americans making $50K a year, they pay around $60 in taxes for social programs to help the poor. The other $5 grand goes to pay for corporate welfare, the war machine, the prison industrial complex, and losers sheltering income off shore. You know next to nothing about these things. You can take your poverty welfare reform ideas and flush them down the toilet because they're worthless; and call out the 1% you protect with your Republican vote for their fucking greed.

7 years ago

You're giving "democrats" too much credit. Dodd hit the nail: "different side of same shitty coin." The reality is we have a one party system: Republicrats. For different issues one side becomes the good or bad cop to help America swallow the shit they all shovel. And the corporate media's function has been reduced to running psyops for Republicrat agenda.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

I don't talk about Democrats, I belittle Republicans. The dumbasses in here just assume I follow the Democrats like a lemming. But I would never cast a vote for a Republican at any level of government, because tax welfare for the wealthy is their credo. I'm a union millwright, and I'm as disgusted with the Democrats as anybody, because the left the unions behind, took our votes for granted and betrayed us by attaching themselves to Wall Street. I can't stand the Clintons, and I didn't really care for Obama either.

The Republicans only represent the wealthy. They get the rubes to vote for them with caveman social issues. They are just horrible, repugnant human beings.

All this war crap you guys are so concerned with, I could care less. The War Machine is a just a means for the the government to fleece the middle class taxpayer out of their wealth and give it to the shareholders of the weapons contractors. Well I shouldn't say I could less, cause it really pisses me off that so many people can't see the transparency.
7 years ago

Wow....there is so much untruth in what you say, where do I start?
I don't mind immigration at all, and have stated so. What I want is LEGAL immigration. People coming here, obeying the laws on the books, and becoming citizens. Is that so terrible?
And tax welfare for the rich....another liberal mainstay that is said over and over, with NO proof. Yeah....we HATE the poor! What a load of crap.
And stealing from SS??? REALLY??? "My" party wasn't in control for the last 8 years. What "great" saving of SS was done under Obama?
And "scare tactics"? Isn't that ALL you and your party do?
"They HATE the poor! They will take away your social security! They are RACISTS! They hate ANYONE of color!"
All you do is spread things that are NOT true. Your party tells you WHAT to think, not HOW to think for yourself. So you blindly spread your party's hatred, and believe without question anything they tell you.
But we are the party of scare tactics? You can't see that that is ALL you constantly do?

The pot calling the kettle black.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

You don't need to respond to me on these issues, snowflake. I watch Fox News, I already know your opinions and arguments. We can be friends in the sports forums, though.

Hope you're feeling better.
Fan Shout
beast (20h) : Thanks dfosterf, I'm still kicking myself for last week, as I forgot to change to pick Vikings and Lions... after putting in a holding spot.
Zero2Cool (21h) : First alternate: Elgton Jenkins Other alternates: Jordan Love, Kenny Clark, Keisean Nixon, Tucker Kraft, Josh Myers, Jaire Alexander
Zero2Cool (21h) : Pro Bowl still a thing? Guess Packers have three. Jacobs, Gary, McKinney.
dfosterf (21h) : It's a mine field with all the players sitting, etc
dfosterf (21h) : There was quite a bit of "chalk" matchups this year it seemed, but not this week coming up
Zero2Cool (21h) : Or we got better and by we I mean everyone except me
Zero2Cool (21h) : We have about six that by percent would have won nearly any season. I guess 2024 was predictable 🤷
Zero2Cool (21h) : You can check previous seasons. I quick did it and don't think anyone hit 70% before
dfosterf (22h) : Hats off to the Beast
dfosterf (22h) : I'm at 71.76% in pick 'em. 2nd place. Beast is at a flat 75% 9 games ahead. That 75% has got to be unprecedented this late in the season
beast (22h) : I don't care deeply, just want some good entertaining games
Zero2Cool (22h) : BTW, not serious.
Zero2Cool (23h) : You don't care about it either!!!!
Zero2Cool (23h) : NIL and Portal killed college, no one cares about it.
Mucky Tundra (2-Jan) : outside of Texas-Arizona St, it's been a snoozefest
beast (2-Jan) : I expect Georgia will change that tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see. If they do, then only Big 10 and SEC are left.
beast (2-Jan) : So much for Conference Championship meaning something as 100% (so far) of the conference Champions lost their first playoff game.
Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Jaire had surgery, season over.
Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : I guess I need a new sig Pic. Boo
Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : Eric Dickerson approves of this decision
beast (1-Jan) : Eagles are resting RB Saquon Barkley, so there is no chance he breaks the record despite being just 101 yards from it
Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Patriots are waiving veteran pass rusher Yannick Ngakoue
beast (1-Jan) : Happy New Year's 🥳🎉
beast (31-Dec) : I want to them chant some songs for Daniel Whelan
beast (31-Dec) : Let's win one! Also, hopefully the Irish will stand with Daniel Whelan
Mucky Tundra (31-Dec) : After London and Brazil, I could go without an overseas game for a while
Zero2Cool (31-Dec) : Packers. Steelers. Ireland. 2025. Reports say.
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Matt Lafleur on if Jaire will play again this season. "Yeah I don't know... he's been dealing with swelling."
Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : After the way they played for most of the game yesterday, I don't see how you can sit anyone for the whole game
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : I'd say play everyone. Going into playoffs at 7th seed on two game lose streak - yucky
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Do the Packers have any best players?
beast (30-Dec) : Play or Rest*
beast (30-Dec) : Should the Packers play or free their best players vs the Bears?
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Packers should be 3 - 2 in the Division. Bonkers being swept by both Lions and Vikings. yikes
go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : All crazy stuff…and good point beast
beast (30-Dec) : Packers should be 0-5 in the division, can't say I saw that coming, even 1-4
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Sam Darnold 35 TD's ... another one
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Baker Mayfield, 39 TD's ... can't say I saw that one
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : No matter who is playing as 7th, I think we want them to win. Get rid of 2nd seed haha
go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : That would be dhazer who was rooting for Minnesota
beast (30-Dec) : Well, Commanders are currently the 6th seed and Packers the 7th
beast (30-Dec) : Who was it in Chat, that wanted the Vikings to win (because Lions fans upset them) because Packers could not lose the 6th seed?
beast (30-Dec) : If Falcons win, Packers stay as the 6th seed and Falcons lead the NFCS, if they lose, Commanders 6th and Bucs take NFCS lead
beast (30-Dec) : Win or Loss, the NFCS is going down to week 18
Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : if the Falcons win, how does that affect the overall NFC playoff picture? Does it mean that the NFC South comes down to week 18?
beast (30-Dec) : If Commanders win, the Packers drop to the 7th seed
beast (29-Dec) : Taylor still at it!
beast (29-Dec) : Colts get the ball and fumble turn over
packerfanoutwest (29-Dec) : Jets pull Aaron Rodgers for Tyrod Taylor
Mucky Tundra (29-Dec) : Colts-Giants now a tight one
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Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
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Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
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