What happens when two irresisitible forces meet very movable objects?
It seems we are headed for a 45-42 game or something like that. For some reason our games against the Lions tend to finish 9-3 or 10-3 in the last years, maybe both teams know each other too well...
So between history and present I think I settle for a normal(ish) score like 23-17 or so....
I think that if we play very aggressive football Rodgers is less prone to mistakes than Stafford, so we can win this thing. If we play conservative football the Lions are experts in comebacks and we can have a nasty 4th quarter surprise. We have to keep going for everything even if ahead by 2TDs, the Lions always attempt some sort of comeback.
I know MM will get the gameplan all wrong and I know our secondary is a disaster, if the offense is hot then I predict we will be ahead, play conservative and the Lions will win in the 4th quarter in some form of epic comeback. People will remember Rodgers had 30 seconds or so to win/tie the game and nobody will remember we just gave up attacking and went for our trademark soft zone defense in the 4th quarter....