Listen here .
You do realize that anyone can listen to the conferences and see you're full of shit, right?
here's what Aaron said just talking about the offense --- he wasn't asked about the fumble at this point, but made a point to say HE fumbled the ball and cost his tea points
Aaron Rodgers : Obviously I fumbled the ball at the 1 1/2 yard line there that hurt us; took points off the board
asked to elaborate on what actually happened on the fumbled snap and was asked what was going through his mind on that play
Aaron Rodgers : I can't quite say it here on my exact thoughts but ah it was frustrating the timing of everything was just a little off and I ... obviously that's on me I can't have that happen
here's Aaron just talking about the offense and once again he brings up HIM turning the ball over
Aaron Rodgers : I turned the ball over in the redzone.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Skippy, dont see what all the fuss is about.
The question was asked what happened on the fumbled snap....
I said from memory "He said he cant talk about that here..."
He actually said [trusting you haven't manipulated the transcript] "I can't quite say it here on my exact thoughts..."
These beat reporters are carnivorous little bastards. A reporter comes to a press conference with question he wrote down with an object to getting a certain answer and sometimes asking the direct question, like the one he wanted to ask [whose fault was it], will be shut down. So a meaningless question is fired off tangent to the issue and you hope you'll get an answer. It's an "art;" the key is for the question to be literally meaningless, because if it means anything, then that is what will be answered. Belicheck would answer like this [folding the question in the answer-very important]: "well, what happened on the fumbled snap is that the center snapped the ball to the QB and during the exchange the ball hit the ground, we call that a fumble, and the other team got the ball, that's what happened on the fumbled snap."
"What happened on the fumbled snap?" what the hell does that mean? Literally it's nonsensical. Typical minds quickly adjust to impute connoted meaning into the question; the question as understood by all was actaully, "Who's fault was it?" And the response, "I cant talk about that here" or "I cant say it here on my exact thoughts" mean the exact same thing.
Again, Brady would have given a Belichek answer or knowing exactly what the reporter was fishing for tried to humiliate the reporter by highlighting how stupid the question was or nobly just put the whole thing to rest, "the fumble was my fault, enough on that, next question."
And Rodgers I hope realized that his answer worked to cast Linsley in a bad light and he stammered around a bit [the transcript doesnt provide the full texture of Rodgers' communication] and issued a half-baked kinda sorta correction by at last taking the blame for the timing of the play.
And I know what some of you are thinking [Yes i can read your minds too🤣], "how do you know what Aaron was thinking?"
Here's how, I listen! The question as literally posed had absolutely nothing to do with blame; yet, that is exactly where Rodgers took his answer. It it's my hope Rodgers realized he was tossing Lindsey at least partially under the bus and then tried to issue a kinda correction, because that is something his therapist would say is progress.