Of course the head coach doesn't dictate to the GM. He does express his opinion/wants/perceived needs, etc. , he develops the schemes, and that can be viewed as "forcing the hand" of a GM when you look at the differing types of personnel needed for the differing types of schemes. 3-4 defenses required differing personnel than 4-3 defenses, for example. The ZBS and it's hybrids require differing personnel than the more traditional hat on a hat offensive line scheme. I did read about the particulars as regards the Pack, Ted Thompson and MM on this very issue, and the article was giving credit to MM for steering the team in this direction (it WAS preseason). My statement was and is that I read this, nothing more. Your post prompted me to go and try and find it, and I can't. I did find quite a bit of high praise for our offensive line, though (from the off-season)... how ironic... Even me, one of the few that have said that we are in a semi-rebuilding mode (a very unpopular viewpoint) wanting/demanding instant gratification. As to the reputations of MM and TT, well, that is ultimately left up to each of us. The national media will be the first to call for their heads, of course... dependent on the win/loss record of the team, and even in many cases in the win/loss record of the team in a given week. Local media is usually less reactionary. Seems the fans posting on the local media comments sections are the quickest to call for TT's and a bit behind his---MM's head. None of this either impresses or sways me, personally. Actually, the more I read knee-jerk reactions, the more I am inclined to support both of them. So- so many say there is no such thing as a fair-weather fan... well, in the opinion of this one poster, whose opinion is far more important to this one poster than anyone else's, there damn sure is, and I don't like 'em. I complain loud and often when I disagree with both or either of them, but I have all faith in both of them, and those that do not may choose to go on their high-horse and call me a green and gold goggled homer... that is their right. Just as it is my right to call them a front-running fool, at least in my mind. :icon_smile: