Cold rush of shit to the heart. Fear. Existential fear. Not the kind of fear you get when you are about to get in a fight with a guy that might kick your ass. BIG fear. Not a fan of it.
Shawn may not know this about his dad. My greatest fear was being over-run. Green Berets live with that, all day, every day. I rag on the doggies, but I couldn't do that as often as a Green Beret. It's just pure ballsy-work.
Nick had to deal with the constant ground-fire and HIS greatest fear (my speculation, but it's educated) ... An RPG coming into his UH-1. This would be bad. You all know how I messed with Nick. HE knew- that I knew- what stones he had to man that Ma-deuce on that chopper. It sucks being a target.
Perhaps the worst job of all. He was in the rear with the gear, but I can't imagine what it might be like to not know what the next helicopter is bringing you with respect to the wounded. It is usually NOT GOOD, and the life of that man is in your hands. That is some seriously scary shit. Your skills get to decide if he lives or dies.
Wayne's David. Past my time, but when Wayne told me that David had to wear blaze orange outside the FOB, that scared me. Fucking REMFS running things, unreal.
I had nowhere else to put this. Just wanted it said. Our heroes as football players have nothing on these men, nor do I.
Originally Posted by: dfosterf