None of them ever made a big deal about it/"came out of the closet" though. I bet I know one member of Lombardi's teams who swung that way - but I better not say who, lest I be accused of the aggregious sin of judging hahahaha.
Originally Posted by: texaspackerbacker
So your more offended by the sin because they announce themselves as a sinner? Really..
We are a nation that celebrates marriage, we even wear wedding bands our entire lives. We clearly flaunt our orientation no? Even us that violate a ten commandment. A major sin.. should we not celebrate our partnerships? Our love for our spouse?
If we allowed the gay couples that same opportunities.. I truly believe that we really wouldn't see anyone making a big deal of their sexuality. Clear and simple. But because they are not afforded the same rights, yes, it makes news when those famous come out.
But I really don't care either way of their orientation sexually so to me it really is not a big deal whether they "come out" or not. People draw attention to themselves in various ways.. avenues.. if they need the attention who gives a crap if they seek it. Just tune it out.. works for me.
Most certainly Vince was ahead of his time.. he didn't give a crap either. He accepted them and treated them with the respect another human deserves.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"