2: Considering the IRC channel does not sync exactly with the members names, this would be very inaccurate.
- Example, PH's Jacob, is not the IRC channel Jacob.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
It can be done to a probably decently accurate point though.
Create a bot/script that idles the channel and tracks the random shit and saves it by irc nickname
For the most part people use the same nickname in irc as they do on the forums. Obviously, first names, such as Jacob would not work because freenode is a vast network, but for 95% of the members it would probably be accurate.
Create something on the site that would be able to pull data from said ircbot and populate those stats onto a web page based on requests (webpage requests converted into .commands in the irc channel directed at the bot then have its output redirected to said webpage)
obviously, that is a lot of work, and i never expect any1 to care to do it. I was just throwing out a way it would be possible to have this and have it be mostly accurate.
On another note, a quotebot for the channel would be nice. That way I could add the dumb things people say in chat to be remembered forever (like on saturday when some dude tried to say "see that, ted thompson, drafting olineman in the first round pays off!" not realizing he did that 2 years in a row...)
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