12 years ago

Why does the Department of Agriculture pump out all those billions of dollars on food stamps and then tell everyone that visits a National Forest (Forest Service) "Do not feed the animals" as they become overly dependent on the handouts from humans?

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

So that the bears don't come eat you in your tent when you leave a half open bag of chips next to your sleeping bag. Also, don't take a menstruating woman hiking.

Yes the war on losers accepting handouts versus wealthy thieves continues to be waged among the hard working people that actually run this country. Too bad we're too fricken stupid to find better candidates.
12 years ago

So that the bears don't come eat you in your tent when you leave a half open bag of chips next to your sleeping bag. Also, don't take a menstruating woman hiking.

Yes the war on losers accepting handouts versus wealthy thieves continues to be waged among the hard working people that actually run this country. Too bad we're too fricken stupid to find better candidates.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Personally, if given the opportunity to choose if my taxpayer dollars go towards feeding the bears and the deeries vs. feeding the avg. food stamp recipient...

Well, let's just say it would be a good day for the financial portfolios of Bambie and Smokie, lol

I KNOW the bear would have a tough go of it trying to show up for his job in winter, he has hibernation issues. That is a legitimate handicap and should be recognized. The welfare guy/gal-- I bet more than half are b.s'ing society as regards the ability to perform an actual yob.
12 years ago

Personally, if given the opportunity to choose if my taxpayer dollars go towards feeding the bears and the deeries vs. feeding the avg. food stamp recipient...

Well, let's just say it would be a good day for the financial portfolios of Bambie and Smokie, lol

I KNOW the bear would have a tough go of it trying to show up for his job in winter, he has hibernation issues. That is a legitimate handicap and should be recognized. The welfare guy/gal-- I bet more than half are b.s'ing society as regards the ability to perform an actual yob.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

The bear can't be a working American. We don't take vacations. We have to keep on working for fear we'll lose our crappy job and health care.
12 years ago


Yes, but once again you spend all your attention on one thing you take issue with personally, while ignoring every other aspect of the problem. Yes, defense cuts need to be made. No, we can't simply slice the DoD in half and call it a day, or even eliminate it altogether and be solvent long-term. The long-term problems that literally will break us have nothing to do with defense (not that excess defense spending helps the issue). We need more people on both sides of the aisles willing to slash spending across the board AND tackle the issues nobody has the balls to touch (Social security, medicare) or we're screwed no matter how much we cut elsewhere.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

What about this haven't we known for years.. decades.. that once the Boomers started to retire our costs in Human Services/Social Security and Health Care were going to sky rocket.. simply put this isn't a new problem or one that can be singly pinned on Obama or Bush or any single president or administration.

It is collective failure.

Seriously, as you note in your final sentence.. this has been the sleeping giant cluster fuck of a problem that is finally impacting or overall operations because we have a good portion of this nation that is reaching retirement age with promised parachutes that were not realistic to be sustainable.

But somehow that is something that should be solved overnight by the current administration.

What about the previous number of presidents and administrations that failed to look forward and honestly say.. Houston we have a problem that needs to be addressed now.

No instead administration after administration passed on dealing with the problem.. yet now we will blame one single administration for the problem.

Look I voted for Obama.. and I have been disappointed by a majority of his policies to date.. but not anymore disappointed as I was with GW Bush, Clinton, G Bush, Reagan.. the lists dates back to the inception of the program and not dealing with the reality that the program would only be sustainable if there were more people working than collecting from the pool.

There is two parts of the problem that several administrations have failed to deal with.. the Boomer number and those that are abusing the system. Many just focus on the later.. but with life expectancy increasing and a large number of the population reaching retirement at the same time.. few are really looking at the whole problem. The program as a whole could not be sustainable with the demographics of our populace.

Health and Human Services and Social Security is only being focused on today because the rubber is finally hitting the road and a Democratic president is in term. This problem dates back well past this administration.

Again.. call me a pinko, a bleeding lib... whatever your heart desires.. simply put with the wealth this country generates we should be able to support those truly in need. I firmly believe that.. and I have no issue with paying in to do so. To me, it is the right and moral thing to do in a society as ours with the dollars our society generates.

But we have continued to watch our Health Care outpace any economic growth, we have watched our workforce numbers become turned upside down where not working outpaces those drawing a wage, we have watched our dollars bail out a number of businesses and corporations (yes passed by a so called conservative president).

But somehow this all has developed only in this administrations term.. please.

I love a good debate and would like to have someone solely to blame and make an easy button to resolve it.. but reality dictates otherwise.

Quite honestly.. this Social Security problem should have been addressed decades ago.. in advance of it becoming an anchor that is bound around our neck. But it wasn't.. and now my generation and future generations will have to deal with it. And to be brutally honest that scares the hell out of me with the current political system and ethics of my and future generations.

Without change.. productive change.. we have more dark days ahead. One in which sooner or later debts will be presented to be cashed.

"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
12 years ago

Where do you make the cuts, Cheesey? Are you willing to see cuts in defense spending? What about cutting Medicare and Medicaid? How about social security? You want to the government to spend like a real family, but are willing to touch meat and potatoes of our budget?

Originally Posted by: porky88 

It wouldn't be that hard.
First, stop sending money to all the foreign lands to prop them up. We are not their "father and mother" where we should have to pay for them. TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN POOR FIRST.
Then as i have said, have some accountability. As it is now, if they want to buy say, a hammer for a government worker, they don't shop around for the best deal. They just spend whatever and don't have to answer to anyone. Plus the politicians fill their own pockets FIRST with benefits and lifetime "retirement" funds that make them NEVER have to worry about how they are going to pay rent or buy food. Make them live as "one of us" and see how much the pissing away of money would stop.
If they had accountbility, waste would stop. But as long as no one is watching them, what incentive is there for them to give a damn on who/what they spend on?
Government waste. THAT'S the biggest problem.

12 years ago
Make 'em work. The money is no longer there. Put the old/pregnant ladies as flagmen. All able-bodied folk can help re-build the infrastructe. Asphalt, concrete, dig holes, etc. That would be a motley lot, lol

Dis-incentivise sucking off the public tit, as much as is possible. Welfare moms with five kids? Let them die. I'm serious. You left ME hanging to die repeatedly defending your ass, and I was doing YOUR BUSINESS, OUR BUSINESS, (wanna see the physical results to an honorable man result?) you civilian fuck pukes... YOU HAVE NO REAL PERSPECTIVE. in a literal sense--- a small apple/orange butthink 'yabout it comparison thing- You fucks worry about assholes that shouldn't have had kids while MEN ARE DYING IN WAR.

At least you pricks have at least some idea of war, what with media and all, so there is that...

I am disgusted.

GET A FUCKING JOB. You pinkos are all being bullshat. I KNOW the levels of human capability. This is because I have personnaly witnessed the threshold, and sitting on your ass in squalor ain't it. I made the mistake of trying to serve my country and this world, - THAT WE DO- the guys on the friggin' ground-- unless you think we are just friggin' murderers, etc. - to the best of my ability and thinking. Many opt to absolutely serve themselves, and then opine on those that don't.

Gave my wife hell too, lol Fucking PC assholes.
12 years ago
I don't put the blame for the massive problem that is social security on the current administration. At least, not any more blame than I put on any other administration or congress that has failed to do anything about the problem because it would be political suicide. But that's what we keep voting for, and that's what we kepe getting.
12 years ago

It wouldn't be that hard.
First, stop sending money to all the foreign lands to prop them up. We are not their "father and mother" where we should have to pay for them. TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN POOR FIRST.
Then as i have said, have some accountability. As it is now, if they want to buy say, a hammer for a government worker, they don't shop around for the best deal. They just spend whatever and don't have to answer to anyone. Plus the politicians fill their own pockets FIRST with benefits and lifetime "retirement" funds that make them NEVER have to worry about how they are going to pay rent or buy food. Make them live as "one of us" and see how much the pissing away of money would stop.
If they had accountbility, waste would stop. But as long as no one is watching them, what incentive is there for them to give a damn on who/what they spend on?
Government waste. THAT'S the biggest problem.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Accountability and government waste are outstanding talking points, but they don't solve the problem. The fact is the government can’t spend within its means or like a family without touching the meat and potatoes of the spending. That's Defense spending, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Would you make cuts into those government programs?
12 years ago
Cut, cut, cut, cut - you know what, fuck that! You guys never discuss the other end of the spectrum - making the wealthy pay more than their fair share - or just make them repatriate all their tax evasion. They all got wealthy off the sweat of other men's brows or stealing it somehow - TAX their fucken asses. What the hell is the difference between living off someone else's wealth or other people's labors.

Our plutocracy sucks ass.
12 years ago

Cut, cut, cut, cut - you know what, fuck that! You guys never discuss the other end of the spectrum - making the wealthy pay more than their fair share - or just make them repatriate all their tax evasion. They all got wealthy off the sweat of other men's brows or stealing it somehow - TAX their fucken asses. What the hell is the difference between living off someone else's wealth or other people's labors.

Our plutocracy sucks ass.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Or we're inundanted with politicians constantly trying to blame the wealthy and pretend that they can make a dent in our trillions of dollars of debt that's growing exponentially by making them pay a "fair share". Yeah, just increase the tax rate on every rich person to a flat 50% and SURE social security will be solvent! Wait, maybe 70? 100? Still not enough money? Well jeeze, maybe we need to examine the underlying problems in the system as a whole rather than pointing fingers at a single issue or group.
Fan Shout
Martha Careful (9h) : ditto, I wish nothing but the best for AJ Diilan and Josh Myers. and yes dfosterf, you are correct
Mucky Tundra (10h) : Love AJ but it was time to move on. Also, gonna be interesting to see how he does behind Phillys oline
Mucky Tundra (10h) : Josh Myers to the Jets one a one year, 3.5 million dollar deal
dfosterf (11h) : Wish nothing but the best for AJ Dillon!
Zero2Cool (11h) : Eagles landed AJ Dillon
wpr (11h) : The Packers did not tender restricted free agent John FitzPatrick. The tight end played in nine games after signing with Green Bay
wpr (11h) : The Eagles are signing former Packers running back AJ Dillon, a league source confirms.
Zero2Cool (12h) : Might be waiting for the right place, or right cash, or both
dhazer (12h) : I can't believe Chubb is still a free agent why wouldnt someone take a chance on him he is a stud with stuff to prove
Zero2Cool (13h) : I wanna find it too
Zero2Cool (13h) : if they find it, i wanna know how !!
dfosterf (14h) : According to the OTC cap figures, Miami has one minute to find 10.3 million in cap space lol
Zero2Cool (15h) : lol nice one
dfosterf (15h) : MVS to the Seahawks. I know Martha is relieved, lol
Zero2Cool (15h) : Pelissero: Cooper Kupp to be released by the Rams.
dfosterf (16h) : OTC has increased Packers cap room to over 32 mil
Martha Careful (18h) : RIP Junior Bridgeman. An excellent businessman and NBA er
Zero2Cool (20h) : It's better to have $17m to use on players who will be on the field. That's why trade/release is talked
Zero2Cool (20h) : post june is $7m cap hit with $17m saving
Zero2Cool (20h) : oops meant $10m cap hit
Zero2Cool (20h) : And pre june is $10m savings
Zero2Cool (20h) : Can't make him play.
dhazer (20h) : I am curious why the big need to release Jaire, we have 29 million cap space we arent spending and would only gain $6 million/ make him play
Zero2Cool (21h) : Joey Bosa signed with Bills?
dfosterf (21h) : What they are offering is a left over case of Leinies from the Chippewa Falls plant
Zero2Cool (21h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 gets you Jaire and our 3rd
Zero2Cool (21h) : they give us those five, or even first four, they can have Jaire.
Zero2Cool (21h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 and 136 are only ones worth having of theirs.
dfosterf (22h) : What they don't have is cap space, at least presently at 5.6 mil
dfosterf (22h) : Poor bastards only have 11
Zero2Cool (22h) : Ravens ain't got crap for picks.
Zero2Cool (22h) : Aaron Rodgers is choosing between Steelers and Giants. The Vikings are officially out on him, per RapSheet
dfosterf (22h) : Current cap space 29.6 million.
dfosterf (22h) : Hobbs 2025 cap hit just under 6 million. Banks 2025 cap hit just over 9 million
Mucky Tundra (12-Mar) : beast, this is news to me! Tell me more about these, "draft picks." They seem mighty mysterious! 😉
beast (12-Mar) : Yes, the Ravens have draft picks
dfosterf (12-Mar) : Good luck to him.
Zero2Cool (12-Mar) : Eric Stokes signs with Raiders
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Tyler Linderbaum C
Mucky Tundra (11-Mar) : Cap space?
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : Do Ravens have anything we'd even entertain to have?
Mucky Tundra (11-Mar) : I've seen trade ideas of Jaire going to the Ravens all offseason
beast (11-Mar) : A probably false rumor is suggesting CB Jaire Alexander is being traded to the Ravens, again probably false
beast (11-Mar) : Commanders might have a dominant offense the next 3 years at least
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : San Francisco 49ers announced they have released DL Leonard Floyd.
Mucky Tundra (11-Mar) : Er getting traded twice like that
Mucky Tundra (11-Mar) : Huh, LT Laremy Tunsil traded from Houston to Washington. Never heard of a top OT getting traded in his career like that
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Minnesota Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. is returning on a three-year, $66 million deal
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : Damn
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Saints are re-signing DE Chase Young to a three-year, $51 million deal worth up to $57 million.
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
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