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12 years ago

Cut, cut, cut, cut - you know what, fuck that! You guys never discuss the other end of the spectrum - making the wealthy pay more than their fair share - or just make them repatriate all their tax evasion. They all got wealthy off the sweat of other men's brows or stealing it somehow - TAX their fucken asses. What the hell is the difference between living off someone else's wealth or other people's labors.

Our plutocracy sucks ass.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

I'm all for closing loopholes, but truthfully; they should close loopholes for everyone and not just the rich.

Anyhow, if the goal is to get the government to spend like a family (spend less than you take in), as Cheesey suggests, then what are the solutions? Let's end foreign aid, benefits for politicians, close all planned parent hoods, and put NPR in their place. Okay, what's that take care of? In the big picture, it’s not that much.

The other solution is tax the rich bastards, which you suggest. Except half of the country goes apeshit over a 3-4 percent increase in taxes, even for the wealthy. Plus, there probably aren’t enough rich people to tax anyways.

Realistically, it'd take a monumental increase across all spectrums to achieve Cheesey’s goal without touching the meat and potatoes of our spending. As a result, we're likely to have more economic hardship. That may hurt our deficit more than anything may. Remember, people who have jobs tend to pay taxes. That tends to help the deficit. This happened throughout the 90s. That’s why Clinton had a surplus going because employment was at unprecedented levels.

Everyone has the same attitude, though. Why should I pay more when my neighbor owns a yacht? Why should I pay more when my neighbor receives government aid?

12 years ago

The other solution is tax the rich bastards, which you suggest. Except half of the country goes apeshit over a 3-4 percent increase in taxes, even for the wealthy. Plus, there probably aren’t enough rich people to tax anyways.

Originally Posted by: porky88 

Who goes apeshit? The rich bastards themselves? Over sixty percent of Americans now believe in increasing taxes on the wealthy. You go after the deep pockets, not bleeding the turnips. These solutions to our problems are not complicated - cut spending, raise taxes, put the country to work and get out of the shithole we're in. Who's stopping it, the douchebag Republicans in Congress that's who, the puppets of Carl Rove and the superpacks. Their balls should be served on a plate. I absolutely fucking hate those bastards that have to control everything. Christ the next generation of Americans won't even be able to own homes.

  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
12 years ago
DakotaT -- I think you're missing one of the main points that Porforis and porky88 have both made, namely that even if you tax the rich at 100% you'd have nowhere enough money to deal with the debt problems.

IMO, the real problem is the regulatory morass that disincentives (is that a word?) innovation and entrepreneurship by rich, middle, and poor. (It also explains a big part of why health care is as expensive as it is -- when providers and their employees need expertise in "coding bills" as much as they need competency in medical, you know you've got far too many administrative costs mucking things up.

And it shows in the very issue that started this thread, too, namely immigration "reform" debates. The cost of administering employment to ensure all the rules are met, together with the costs of administering the various social services, means that we increase the incentive to come to this country for the wrong reasons (i.e. suck at the government teat) and decrease the incentive to provide work to those more highly productive domestic workers.

The more cradle-to-grave public support you provide, the more people will be attracted to it; the more people who are attracted to it, the less likely that those administering it are going to catch cheats. The less likely that those administering it are going to catch cheats, the more you are going to attract illegals who are cheats than illegals who just want a better work opportunity.

At the same time, the more you insist on employers complying with 21 different sets of safety and consumer protection and labor and competition and diversity and anti-discrimination and health insurance and animal rights and shipping and blahblahblah etc etc etc rules, the more attractive it becomes to trade American workers and legal immigrants for those illegals that aren't going to tell on you for failing to comply with this or that alphabet-soup rule. (The 21 is actually not a made up number -- I had a student doing a senior thesis a couple years ago on a small hospital in the process of changing its information system. Among the information she dug up -- and mind you, this is an undergraduate, not a lawyer who could probably double the number -- was the fact that said system had to account for 21 sets of regulations. That's not 21 regulations, that's 21 sets of regulations by 21 different government agencies. (As everyone here knows, I'm a big worrier about the omnipresence of the state. As such I shouldn't have been surprised. But her findings shocked even me.)

Another example, this one explicitly tied to immigration. As a college professor in business in economics, I see a lot of international students. Most of them want to stay in the United States after graduation, even those who come from the fast growing Asian economies like China, Vietnam, and India. It's not surprising, since even now, after a couple decades of explosive growth, per capita GDP in those countries is still between 1/15th and 1/5th of that in the United States. Those who stay are going to make a lot more here than they'd ever get back home.

So what do we as a country do? We make it as hard as possible for them to stay. Part of this is the lingering fears from 9/11. A bigger part is simply ignorance (and a bit of nativism) on the well-meaning souls who believe American employers ought to do X, Y, and Z. If we want to compete and grow economically, we ought to be welcoming these people with open arms. We ought to be encouraging employers to hire them. But student after student finds employer after employer finding ways to legally say "U.S. students only". And they do so even though they know that the international students are going to have more of the valuable skills than the American applicants they have to settle for. They do it not because they are racist, but because they see the administrative and political costs of "sponsoring immigrants" even bigger than the productivity gap they are losing.

There's not a regulation on the books that didn't start as "a really good idea", that doesn't have well-meaning people who see it as a way to a better and more humane and more just society. Every rule on the books and all of the 100,000 new pages of them that will be added by the end of this calendar year have advocates who are trying to do good by their fellow Americans. That's the good side. That's why we're all addicted to regulatory and "policy" solutions to all our problems.

Unfortunately, every one of those well-meaning rules has had and will continue to have unintended consequences. As long as we allow doctors to refuse to practice rather than comply with those 21 sets of rules, as long as we allow businessmen to say "no, I'm not going to open a new factory today" rather than incur administrative costs that make such a factory a losing proposition, our desire to regulate and protect is also going to chill and prevent economic benefits from coming. And the more of the rules we bring forth, the more that will opt out. And the more people that opt out, the less we as a society will be able to increase the size of the pie that we hope to share.

IMO the fact that we need to be justifying amnesty for children shows how far we have declined as a nation. Not only are we willing to discriminate against adults by virtue of their place of birth, some of which must be a necessary evil in providing for our "national defense", we state ourselves willing to discriminate against children who are here only because of their parents' choices. I should not assume that the brat next door is a juvenile delinquent until he proves himself otherwise, and that should not change just because he appears to be a Latino child. Argh.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
12 years ago

DakotaT -- I think you're missing one of the main points that Porforis and porky88 have both made, namely that even if you tax the rich at 100% you'd have nowhere enough money to deal with the debt problems.

IMO, the real problem is the regulatory morass that disincentives (is that a word?) innovation and entrepreneurship by rich, middle, and poor. (It also explains a big part of why health care is as expensive as it is -- when providers and their employees need expertise in "coding bills" as much as they need competency in medical, you know you've got far too many administrative costs mucking things up.

And it shows in the very issue that started this thread, too, namely immigration "reform" debates. The cost of administering employment to ensure all the rules are met, together with the costs of administering the various social services, means that we increase the incentive to come to this country for the wrong reasons (i.e. suck at the government teat) and decrease the incentive to provide work to those more highly productive domestic workers.

The more cradle-to-grave public support you provide, the more people will be attracted to it; the more people who are attracted to it, the less likely that those administering it are going to catch cheats. The less likely that those administering it are going to catch cheats, the more you are going to attract illegals who are cheats than illegals who just want a better work opportunity.

At the same time, the more you insist on employers complying with 21 different sets of safety and consumer protection and labor and competition and diversity and anti-discrimination and health insurance and animal rights and shipping and blahblahblah etc etc etc rules, the more attractive it becomes to trade American workers and legal immigrants for those illegals that aren't going to tell on you for failing to comply with this or that alphabet-soup rule. (The 21 is actually not a made up number -- I had a student doing a senior thesis a couple years ago on a small hospital in the process of changing its information system. Among the information she dug up -- and mind you, this is an undergraduate, not a lawyer who could probably double the number -- was the fact that said system had to account for 21 sets of regulations. That's not 21 regulations, that's 21 sets of regulations by 21 different government agencies. (As everyone here knows, I'm a big worrier about the omnipresence of the state. As such I shouldn't have been surprised. But her findings shocked even me.)

Another example, this one explicitly tied to immigration. As a college professor in business in economics, I see a lot of international students. Most of them want to stay in the United States after graduation, even those who come from the fast growing Asian economies like China, Vietnam, and India. It's not surprising, since even now, after a couple decades of explosive growth, per capita GDP in those countries is still between 1/15th and 1/5th of that in the United States. Those who stay are going to make a lot more here than they'd ever get back home.

So what do we as a country do? We make it as hard as possible for them to stay. Part of this is the lingering fears from 9/11. A bigger part is simply ignorance (and a bit of nativism) on the well-meaning souls who believe American employers ought to do X, Y, and Z. If we want to compete and grow economically, we ought to be welcoming these people with open arms. We ought to be encouraging employers to hire them. But student after student finds employer after employer finding ways to legally say "U.S. students only". And they do so even though they know that the international students are going to have more of the valuable skills than the American applicants they have to settle for. They do it not because they are racist, but because they see the administrative and political costs of "sponsoring immigrants" even bigger than the productivity gap they are losing.

There's not a regulation on the books that didn't start as "a really good idea", that doesn't have well-meaning people who see it as a way to a better and more humane and more just society. Every rule on the books and all of the 100,000 new pages of them that will be added by the end of this calendar year have advocates who are trying to do good by their fellow Americans. That's the good side. That's why we're all addicted to regulatory and "policy" solutions to all our problems.

Unfortunately, every one of those well-meaning rules has had and will continue to have unintended consequences. As long as we allow doctors to refuse to practice rather than comply with those 21 sets of rules, as long as we allow businessmen to say "no, I'm not going to open a new factory today" rather than incur administrative costs that make such a factory a losing proposition, our desire to regulate and protect is also going to chill and prevent economic benefits from coming. And the more of the rules we bring forth, the more that will opt out. And the more people that opt out, the less we as a society will be able to increase the size of the pie that we hope to share.

IMO the fact that we need to be justifying amnesty for children shows how far we have declined as a nation. Not only are we willing to discriminate against adults by virtue of their place of birth, some of which must be a necessary evil in providing for our "national defense", we state ourselves willing to discriminate against children who are here only because of their parents' choices. I should not assume that the brat next door is a juvenile delinquent until he proves himself otherwise, and that should not change just because he appears to be a Latino child. Argh.

Originally Posted by: Wade 

I don't give applause lightly. I just don't. It's a Marine thing, I reckon .
12 years ago

Cut, cut, cut, cut - you know what, fuck that! You guys never discuss the other end of the spectrum - making the wealthy pay more than their fair share - or just make them repatriate all their tax evasion. They all got wealthy off the sweat of other men's brows or stealing it somehow - TAX their fucken asses. What the hell is the difference between living off someone else's wealth or other people's labors.

Our plutocracy sucks ass.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

So.....i guess all we would have to do to solve the problem is to tax the hell out of Obama, and all the senators and we'd be in good shape.
You can't just keep taxing the heck out of the rich to try to solve the problem. If you do, they will do like the rich did in New York when they raised the taxes to insane levels, they all moved out.
And being rich, they will move out of the country if you tax them so highly that it makes more sense to leave. Then you lose ALL the tax money they pay. And if you say "then we will close down their factories here if they do that" who does that hurt? The workers here trying to survive.
And even the "rich" will run out of money if you do it the way some want. A temporary fix, at BEST.
Again, some accountability is what is truely needed. If you could spend like a drunken sailor with no consequences for your actions, what would you do?
"planned parenthood" wants a few ya go!!!
Foreign countries come with their hand ya go!!!
Makes the government seem to be a "loving, caring" group, all the while neither solves anything.
All it does is put us farther into debt.
Seems like i'm a cold ass, hey? But as long as we are handing out that WE have to borrow from places like China, what are we really doing?
Making debt that someday soon will come due. Then what are we gonna do? They will own us, without ever having to fire a shot.
Is that the future you want for the children of today?
12 years ago
Why tax the politicians? That seems stupid since tax money pays their salary. Why not just cut their damn salary down to mortal level? Skip the flipping middle man!

One of the problems with this country is so many feel entitled to more than they reasonably deserve. What's that, pregnant at 16? Oh don't worry, the state will help you. If they can't support their kid, there are THOUSANDS of worthy families whom God did not grace them with the ability to reproduce that would gladly take care of the child/ren.

All the animal rights stuff is bogus too. I'm not saying should beat animals or mistreat them, but spending millions on it is foolish when we have HUMANS who are unable to be fed everyday.

What can be done?
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (11h) : Packers placed Marshawn Lloyd on reserve non-football illness list
Zero2Cool (13h) : Luke Getsy been helping Packers defense. He's former OC Bears/Raiders and our old QB coach
beast (2-Jan) : Thanks dfosterf, I'm still kicking myself for last week, as I forgot to change to pick Vikings and Lions... after putting in a holding spot.
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : First alternate: Elgton Jenkins Other alternates: Jordan Love, Kenny Clark, Keisean Nixon, Tucker Kraft, Josh Myers, Jaire Alexander
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : Pro Bowl still a thing? Guess Packers have three. Jacobs, Gary, McKinney.
dfosterf (2-Jan) : It's a mine field with all the players sitting, etc
dfosterf (2-Jan) : There was quite a bit of "chalk" matchups this year it seemed, but not this week coming up
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : Or we got better and by we I mean everyone except me
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : We have about six that by percent would have won nearly any season. I guess 2024 was predictable 🤷
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : You can check previous seasons. I quick did it and don't think anyone hit 70% before
dfosterf (2-Jan) : Hats off to the Beast
dfosterf (2-Jan) : I'm at 71.76% in pick 'em. 2nd place. Beast is at a flat 75% 9 games ahead. That 75% has got to be unprecedented this late in the season
beast (2-Jan) : I don't care deeply, just want some good entertaining games
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : BTW, not serious.
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : You don't care about it either!!!!
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : NIL and Portal killed college, no one cares about it.
Mucky Tundra (2-Jan) : outside of Texas-Arizona St, it's been a snoozefest
beast (2-Jan) : I expect Georgia will change that tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see. If they do, then only Big 10 and SEC are left.
beast (2-Jan) : So much for Conference Championship meaning something as 100% (so far) of the conference Champions lost their first playoff game.
Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Jaire had surgery, season over.
Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : I guess I need a new sig Pic. Boo
Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : Eric Dickerson approves of this decision
beast (1-Jan) : Eagles are resting RB Saquon Barkley, so there is no chance he breaks the record despite being just 101 yards from it
Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Patriots are waiving veteran pass rusher Yannick Ngakoue
beast (1-Jan) : Happy New Year's 🥳🎉
beast (31-Dec) : I want to them chant some songs for Daniel Whelan
beast (31-Dec) : Let's win one! Also, hopefully the Irish will stand with Daniel Whelan
Mucky Tundra (31-Dec) : After London and Brazil, I could go without an overseas game for a while
Zero2Cool (31-Dec) : Packers. Steelers. Ireland. 2025. Reports say.
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Matt Lafleur on if Jaire will play again this season. "Yeah I don't know... he's been dealing with swelling."
Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : After the way they played for most of the game yesterday, I don't see how you can sit anyone for the whole game
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : I'd say play everyone. Going into playoffs at 7th seed on two game lose streak - yucky
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Do the Packers have any best players?
beast (30-Dec) : Play or Rest*
beast (30-Dec) : Should the Packers play or free their best players vs the Bears?
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Packers should be 3 - 2 in the Division. Bonkers being swept by both Lions and Vikings. yikes
go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : All crazy stuff…and good point beast
beast (30-Dec) : Packers should be 0-5 in the division, can't say I saw that coming, even 1-4
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Sam Darnold 35 TD's ... another one
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Baker Mayfield, 39 TD's ... can't say I saw that one
Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : No matter who is playing as 7th, I think we want them to win. Get rid of 2nd seed haha
go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : That would be dhazer who was rooting for Minnesota
beast (30-Dec) : Well, Commanders are currently the 6th seed and Packers the 7th
beast (30-Dec) : Who was it in Chat, that wanted the Vikings to win (because Lions fans upset them) because Packers could not lose the 6th seed?
beast (30-Dec) : If Falcons win, Packers stay as the 6th seed and Falcons lead the NFCS, if they lose, Commanders 6th and Bucs take NFCS lead
beast (30-Dec) : Win or Loss, the NFCS is going down to week 18
Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : if the Falcons win, how does that affect the overall NFC playoff picture? Does it mean that the NFC South comes down to week 18?
beast (30-Dec) : If Commanders win, the Packers drop to the 7th seed
beast (29-Dec) : Taylor still at it!
beast (29-Dec) : Colts get the ball and fumble turn over
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Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
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Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
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