ok then i don't understand how u don't understand that if u fight the cops theyre going to beat ur ass until they can get u restrained
the beating isnt what killed him, anyhow.
The reaction to this video should not be: "throw those asshole cops in jail." it should be: "why aren't cops trained well enough to be able to restrain a man who they outnumber without resorting to the tazer, or without resorting to damaging violence? Why aren't cops trained to pay very close attention to how hard and long they are kneeling someone's back? Why are tazers used for ANYTHING but last resort?"
These issues need to be fixed in police forces nationwide to avoid repeats of this incident, these officers do not need to be thrown in jail.
Originally Posted by: gbguy20
the beating had nothing to do with his death? is that what you're saying?
i dated a cop who went thru the illinois state police academy in springfield, il. he was highly trained. they know exactly what they're supposed to do - these guys just chose NOT to.
i will never understand why there is no empathy left in this world. can we no longer put ourselves in others shoes? in fact, i can kind of see the whole 'gang mentality' taking over with these cops, things got out of hand, & a man is now dead as a result. see there? empathy. what i cannot overlook, however, is that a mentally ill man is dead at the hands of police officers.
if this happened to you, a friend, or a family member can you honestly say you'd feel the same? say it ain't so!