... I know this is painful for all of you who denigrate me on a daily basis, but Julie's the one that married up!
Originally Posted by: DakotaT
Zombieslayer painfully awaits Vikesrule's response...:-k
Originally Posted by: zombieslayer
Well ZS, this one is actually quite easy. In other words, much like DakotaT himself, it's a no-brainer.
Over the years, it has been proven time and time again, that DakotaT is a dumbass, numb-nuts and all around schmuck.
As we have all been witness to, DT's alligator mouth is constantly overriding his hummingbird brain.
And yes folks, to all of these other well established truths, we can now add DakotaT's delusions of adequacy.
DT's concept of reality is truly a wonder to behold........sincere ignorance combined with conscientious stupidity.
But DakotaT is fortunate indeed, for God has wisely chosen to watch out for fools and idiots and in DT's case, both of these traits apply.
For verily, God looked down when DakotaT was born and said
"Holy crap...this one is going to need a lot of help...a whole lot of help"
And so God provided the lovely and intelligent Mrs. DakotaT.
A fine upstanding Minnesota girl, well versed in caring for an intellectual eunuch such as DakotaT.
But seriously, after all of these years of living with and guiding such a mental midget, Mrs. DakotaT deserves nothing less than sainthood.
Who's with me to petition the Pope on this?
Perhaps one could best understand the relationship with this quote...and it fits to a DakotaT:
"A clever wife often sleeps with a stupid husband."- Chinese proverb