Late '03 Rebecca was born.
Mother claimed up and down she wasn't mine and I believed her. She was screwing every tom dick hairy she could find.
Fast forward three+ years, I find out she's mine. The mother threatens to call in my warrants if I tell the Judge I want to see Rebecca. I tell the mother if Rebecca every needs me, or anything, my arms are wide open. This was especially hard and frustrating for me.
The Judge tells me I should thank the man who signed the birth certificate knowing it was impossible for him to be the father because I didn't have to pay 3+ years of child support and birthing costs. I was floored by this because I'd rather have paid that and been in my daughters life the moment she was born.
Fast forward a few more years to April '09 Rebecca wants to know her REAL daddy and the mother has caved. I meet Rebecca and she meets her big sister for the first time. The mother and I get along great, as friends. Suddenly, everything changes when she gets back with her ex. I'm left to pay court fee's up the wazoo to get any visitation of Rebecca. August '09 I got every other weekend with Rebecca and the mother got the child support DOUBLED!
Fast forward one year to fathers day 2010 the mother blows up when I ask (calmly might I add) if there's anyway for her and I to get along for Rebecca's sake. She takes two swings at me. I stood there and took it. Angry as hell, wanting to hit back, but knowing it was wrong, I walked away and called the cops. They took pictures. The mother got a small fine and charges reduced to a disorderly conduct. This was her second physical assault in a year too.
Fast forward one month from the assault, I'm moving to Colorado and petition the court to let me take Rebecca to Colorado for 7 weeks of the summer. Court commissioner says I'm being EXTREMELY reasonable especially since I'm going to absorb ALL financial responsibility of transportation. The mother says I don't DESERVE more than 3 weeks.
Court commissioner recommends mediation. I phoned in for the mediation from Colorado, the mother ... didn't call, nothing. Mediator tells me I'm being very reasonable with my request and is surprised the commissioner didn't just order it through.
I'm told I have to pay $300 for guardian ad litem to 'review' the case. I paid my portion right away. Weeks pass and the mother failed to do so. They tell me I can pay the other half, but then will be held responsible for all financial costs. WHAT??? They tell me another option, to file a petition to court order the mother to pay. They also tell me that it's unlikely I'll get what I want.
I hear that the mother threw away the stuffed animal and birthday card I sent and has been telling Rebecca I don't love her and don't want to see her.
They still have my $300 for guardian ad litem.
Fast forward to yesterday ... I received notification from Shawano County they are going to review my child support and increase it.
I feel so damn helpless. Rebecca is missing out on having a dad and big sister and it seems like the courts and county don't care about any of it other than how much they can rake me for. Just feels Rebecca and Keiana are being screwed over in this big time while Rebecca's mother gets to stay at home, unemployed enjoying the fruits of my hard work.
It's true, no one said life was fair ... somehow, I think this solidifies that statement.