He is why it is Rodgers as well in my mind.. if we are talking about the offense we have now and the system we run.
It requires discipline to run in the passing game, everything is timing and read based between the WR and QB. You know that to be true by the ability of the WR to interchange so often in assignments and miss little in the beat.
I loved watching Brett sling the rock, improvise, throw lasers and play the game with a rare passion. But being disciplined was not and still is not one of his strong suits.
Honestly, the more I watch MM offense grow.. the more and more I begin to cement the opinion that it was MM more so than Ted that refused to reinsert Brett into the starting role when he wanted to un-retire.
He was grooming Rodgers to play in the wide open read system... and remain consistent within the offense based on a ton of reads. And remain disciplined in them until forced to abandon it and improvise... not improvise at the slightest change or because he didn't trust his read.
This team, this offense as it is constructed today.. Rodgers is a better fit in my mind.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"