since he made an admission to sending her somewhat sexual texts, he deserved to be punished.
"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:
If they weren't welcome, I agree. If they were welcome, why does he deserve punishment?
Did she drag her heels cuz she wanted nothing to do with entire thing?
"4PackGirl" wrote:
You know me -- I'm usually on the "don't rush to conclusions" bandwagon. For that reason, if none other, I acknowledge that your theory may well have merit. The reason why I don't put much stock in it is that I don't think her actions are congruent with such a motivation. If she really wanted nothing to do with this story -- if she had nothing to do with the pictures being released by Deadspin -- why didn't she immediately come out and disclaim responsibility? The fact is she never did. She was content letting her camp make vague threats for months afterward.
If she genuinely wanted to dissociate herself from the sordid affair, a decisive denial would have been all that was required, and it would have cleared both their names immediately.
Her actions, in my opinion, are much more congruent with a hamfisted attempt to extort money out of Brett Favre, an attempt that blew up in her face when he unexpectedly refused to cave in and did the right thing: refuse to talk about the situation.
More men in his shoes would do well to heed his example. Regardless of what you say, whether you're innocent or not, the moment you open your mouth, it's a no-win situation. Keep your mouth shut, and more often than not it will blow off.
"longtimefan" wrote: